PC3000 / B31

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Since the last PC3000 / B31 left the production line on Bornholm August 24th 1999 we have been able to supply spare parts and service for these fine machines. We have also made several upgrades and fixes when parts were obsolete. We have now reached a point where many of the upgrades are also obsolete.

In 2008 we announced that spare parts were no longer held in stock. Today the situation is that several vital parts cannot be obtained any more, for example:

  • Camera unit
  • PLC – CPU and some modules
  • Knife motor
  • Inverters
  • Touch screen
  • Belt encoder
  • Software

Although upgrades still are available for some of the parts mentioned, we cannot any longer guarantee, that we will be able to repair the machines.

Another issue is that many of our service technicians have been employed after we stopped producing the machines. Since we cannot perform service training on machines qualified PC3000 technicians are also becoming an inadequate resource.

Regardless of the issues mentioned above our service department will try to help our PC3000/B31 customers when possible.

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