
In-Line Tenderness Management

  • Consistently tender and juicy breast fillet
  • Improved shelf life, yield and hygiene
  • Fully inline process gives optimal plant logistics and allows complete traceability
  • Quicker process without manual handling


For processors, production of tender, juicy breast fillet means finding a tenderness management technology that gives consistently good results, is cost-effective and allows product to flow inline through the processing plant without the need for off-line storage.

The In-Line Tenderness Management system easily meets all these requirements and more.

Optimal breast meat tenderness

The formation and resolution of rigor mortis and the breakdown of proteins (proteolysis) are key concepts in the maturation process and essential to ensure tender breast fillets. 

Conventionally, tenderness was achieved by storing chilled product off-line for many hours before deboning could start. Over time, however, products dry out and presentation and eating quality can be impaired. 

RapidRigor and Shock Maturation Chill

The In-Line Tenderness Management system speeds up the resolution of rigor mortis and proteolysis. It consists of two inline processes: RapidRigor electro-stimulation and Shock Maturation Chill.

RapidRigor applies electric pulses to remove energy left in the muscles postmortem. 

Shock Maturation Chill is a two-phase system. In the first phase, all external and internal surfaces are chilled quickly, using very cold air circulated at high velocities. This stops growth of micro-organisms. In the second phase, chilling is slower, using a gentle flow of less cold air. This speeds up protein breakdown.

A thin film of water is applied to all external and internal surfaces at intervals, reducing moisture loss. This prevents products from drying out.

Fully inline

The system is fully inline and needs no special chilled store to mature products off-line. This saves space and time, as maturation occurs much more rapidly. A quicker process also means longer shelf life. Furthermore, it saves labor as products no longer have to be transferred manually in and out of maturation storage. Because of this, hygiene and shelf life benefit too. Cutting accuracy and yield also improve, as products don’t get deformed any more in off-line storage crates.

An important advantage of the fully inline process is the possibility of complete traceability.

  • Consists of RapidRigor in combination with Shock Maturation Chill
  • A Shock Maturation Chill installation consists of a Sigma T90 overhead conveyor system, evaporator/fan assemblies, moisturizing cabinets and system controls
  • Suitable for all usual broiler live weights
  • Suitable for all production capacities up to today’s highest line speeds
  • Full traceability
  • Products suspended inline at all times by both legs
  • Prevents product deformation, increasing cutting accuracy and optimizing yields
  • Saves space and labor compared to off-line maturation
  • Works effectively on both electrically and CAS stunned products


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