dehiding and head removal

Cattle dehiding and head removal

Marel offers a series of different cattle dehiders for different slaughter capacities. All Marel dehiders have a downward vertical movement to prevent carcass contamination from the dirty part of the hide.

During the dehiding process back muscle stimulation of the carcass can be activated, preventing the vertebrae and muscles from being pulled apart or damaged. After dehiding, the head is removed and registered in the software slaughter control system by scanning the ear tag.

Before moving further in the line, a separate tag is created – based on the ear tag scan – and attached to the carcass, which then follows the carcass into the evisceration (dressing) process.

  • Vertical downward moving platform technique minimizes contamination
  • Carcass stimulants may be used to prevent possible damage
  • Carcass dehiding and head removal is possible in the same process

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