evisceration turkey processing


High quality end products result from highest hygiene values

Evisceration is a crucial stage in processing which safeguards the quality of your end products, including giblets. For the highest product quality at the end of the line, good evisceration is essential, at the same time allowing you to achieve the highest yields and hygiene standards.
The process comprises various modules, to be combined according to your needs. Our evisceration solutions can deal with all turkey processing challenges. Our automated inline carrousel eviscerators for turkeys are capable of handling even the biggest male turkeys. The modular equipment can be configured to suit your needs and processing capacity.

The unique three-point suspension is able to handle the removed intestines without contaminating or soiling the product. Furthermore, it saves a lot of manual operations.

Harvesting gizzards from the viscera pack become easy with our specialized solutions. After having been drawn out of the carcass, the valuable parts can undergo various processes, such as inspection and chilling.

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