
Innova Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Enabling real-time monitoring and historical analysis

  • View real-time status of equipment availability, performance and production quality 
  • Realize the full potential of processing equipment with continuous improvement 
  • Respond quickly when efficiency falls below target 
  • Stoppage information is recorded with minimal human input, thereby also reducing the impact on employee time. 


Innova Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) uses the OEE industry standard to deliver the three vital production equipment KPIs: availability, performance and quality. Runtime information is picked up from the equipment in real time and provides an instant view of the current state of production. 

With Innova OEE it is simple for line operators to provide stop reasons for OEE losses with minimal impact on their normal tasks. That information can then be analyzed by production management with easy-to-use dashboards and customizable reports to identify the main losses and decide on actions to increase effectiveness. 

Use Innova OEE to improve your production flow by identifying where preventive maintenance may be needed, allowing you to act sooner and prevent downtime. 

By applying Innova OEE to your production lines, you will unleash the full potential of your processing equipment. 

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