How data-driven processing empowers convenience food processors

Raw data is a precious resource—if you have the tools to collect it, interpret it and utilize it

Data Driven Processing Empowers Food Production

In recent years, the food industry has increasingly tapped into the data from AI and predictive analytics, using it to gain insight into processing and optimize the use of raw materials, enhance quality and safety, and guarantee traceability. Marel’s Convenience Line Software has all the tools you need to automatically collect, analyze, and convert production data into vital insights, all while giving you complete control of production.

Seize every opportunity for improvement

In food processing, making even small adjustments can add up to huge financial benefits. To do this, you need relevant data on key factors such as throughput, use of raw materials, equipment settings and process status, and how well you’re meeting customer demands. And because every detail counts, accuracy is crucial.

Reliable data analytics help highlight opportunities for improvement in real time, so you can address issues quickly as they arise, as well as over longer periods, to understand the trends that inform your business strategy. Using Marel’s Convenience Line Software, you have a clear display and records of production data in a user-friendly, centralized, paperless system, giving you the peace of mind that your production process will be smooth, automated, and fully optimized.

Convenience Line Software increases profitability with data-driven decision making

Production without real-time insights is like driving without a dashboard

To achieve the best results in food processing, you need a dashboard to monitor and control your production in real time. As Product Manager Laura Boon explains, it’s a bit like driving a car. “Imagine you’re driving and you have no dashboard, no road signs, and no GPS. The only thing you see is the road ahead, but you have no idea where you are, how fast you’re driving, if you have enough gas, how hot the engine is, and you get no alerts during the trip. How would you get to your destination and how long would it take?” You might get there eventually, but it would be a slow, risky, and needlessly difficult journey. And even if things go well, you’d struggle to repeat the same successful route.

The same applies in food processing. You might get by without the right tools, but there are much smarter ways to run your business. Marel’s Convenience Line Software is like a dashboard and GPS system for food production. Providing a complete and accurate overview of production, it shows you everything you need to know in real time and highlights areas that need attention so you can swiftly fix costly problems and seize opportunities you might otherwise miss.

Convenience Line Software Real Time Dashboard For Processing

Meet ever-increasing demands for food safety and traceability

Today’s consumers demand complete transparency and the highest food quality. They want to know exactly where their food comes from, how it’s made, and its nutritional content, and being able to provide this information in detail can increase the value of your product. Marel’s Convenience Line Software automatically records every step of a product’s journey, so you can easily include comprehensive information on every label, and the shopper in the supermarket can see everything they want to know when making their selection. Moreover, precise monitoring of aspects such as temperature and handling helps ensure the highest product quality and safety.

This thorough data collection also supports paperless traceability, putting all the information at your fingers tips to allow you to account for every ingredient and step of processing. At the same time, it makes it easier to meet regulatory demands, allowing you to meet strict specifications, keep detailed historical records, and generate legally required documentation automatically.

Convenience Line Software guides operators through QC measurements

Scalable and intuitive data-driven solutions

Collecting data from your convenience line and interpreting it empowers you to make immediate and long-term strategic decisions that have far-reaching benefits for your business. Implementing new systems and techniques is vital to ensure customer satisfaction and keep up with the competition.

Fortunately, change doesn’t need to be difficult—with the support of our global service team, you can start with the essentials and scale up as needed. Marel Convenience Line Software is designed as building blocks, so you can grow into a larger interconnected system at your own pace. Whether you’re ready to make the switch to data-driven processing or want to enhance your current setup, our software specialists are ready to help.

Learn more about Convenience Line Software

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