
ACM-NT modular cut-up system

  • Unique, inline modular cut-up system
  • Optimal efficiency, speed and precision
  • Maximum product utilization
  • Limitless layout and production flexibility
  • Highest percentage of A-grade cuts


The ACM-NT modular cut-up system automatically processes ducks to provide e.g. front halves, legs, drumsticks. ACM-NT includes a full selection of cutting modules offering the best anatomical cuts and highest yields in the industry.

The system’s product carrier perfectly positions the products, even at the highest line speeds, resulting in highest yields and percentages of A-grade cuts in the entire poultry industry. The various modules can produce all current leg, breast and wing products including those needing an anatomic cut. The system is fully modular. If and when processing requirements change, modules can be moved or added.

Typical cuts

ACM-NT for ducks will cut carcasses into wing, front half and whole anatomic leg portions. Wings can be cut into separate inner and middle joint portions. If required, the ACM-NT system can also cut breast caps.

The combination of the cut-up system with Innova production control software enables the best possible use of incoming products and generates comprehensive production history reports.

  • Large variety of wing, leg, breast, neck cutting modules
  • Modular configuration, individually adaptable to market requirements
  • Producing end products with highest accuracy and yield
  • Suitable for both water and air chilled products
  • Fewer manual operations
  • Larger number of end product options with highest accuracy and yield
  • Maximum product utilization with Innova PDS production control
  • Highest percentage of A-grade cuts in the market
  • Uniform (anatomic) cuts, always with attractive presentation, perfect for retail sale
  • Possible harvesting and pre-processing of by-products


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

Avibom People
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