Fully automated solutions for 27,000 bph Hebei Jiuxing project

Marel matches Chinese market requirements


In early 2019 Marel and Hebei Jiuxing signed a contract for a fully automated poultry processing plant to handle 270,000 birds daily. Marel makes every effort to provide Chinese processors with the right tools to make exactly those products demanded by their consumers. The 2 x 13,500 bph [225 bpm] Jiuxing plant is proof that this goes for even the largest projects.

The Jiuxing plant is one of the largest single projects in China awarded so far to Marel Poultry. The company not only supplies globally cutting-edge technology and equipment but is also able to provide made-to-measure solutions and services to meet the needs of the Chinese market. Marel Poultry is always looking for ways to meet local customer preferences and match domestic methods of producing poultry meat. This approach is highly appreciated by Chinese entrepreneurs such as Jiuxing.

Government cooperation

Once the project has been completed and commissioned, Jiuxing is looking at a sales turnover of 2 billion yuan. The Jiuxing processing plant project is part of an 81 million ton per year bird production poverty alleviation plan for the whole poultry industry in the province of Hebei. It was agreed between the Wuyuan county government and Jiuxing in March 2018. The project aims to aid the development of local logistics, capital and information flows and of the labor force. Besides developing broiler production and stimulating related industries such as corn and soybean production, the project will benefit the entire local economy in Wuyuan.

Nuova evisceration

As Jiuxing was looking for a consistent, high-speed evisceration solution for its 27,000 birds per hour [450 bpm], the entire EV department will be automated. The evisceration process starts with Marel Poultry Vent Cutting and Vent Opening machines. The Nuova 24 then takes over, carefully drawing out the viscera pack and transferring it to a separate, dedicated pack shackle.

This will make giblet harvesting much easier, whether it is done automatically or manually. Automated equipment for the giblet line includes the PI intestine remover, which leaves gall bladders intact. The products themselves pass through several post EV operations, including an automated NIC neck skin inspection carousel. All of this equipment is duplicated for the second 13,500 bph [225 bpm] processing line.

Double configuration

Once products have been chilled, they are transferred to a grading and distribution line featuring a SmartWeigher. Based on its individual weight, each product is then put into its most profitable form as either a whole griller or cut into parts. Most products will be transported on the overhead conveyor to the ACM-NT cut-up line. Again, all equipment will be supplied double for a second grading and distribution line. Each grading line distributes products to two ACM-NT cut-up lines, each with a capacity of 7,200 products per hour [120 ppm].

Wings, legs and other pieces are cut consistently and efficiently into attractive end products. Thanks to the flexible modular construction of their ACM-NT systems, Jiuxing will be able to adapt cutting settings and programs to the requirements for cut products reflected in incoming orders from their customers. No fewer than eight AMF-i breast cap deboning systems will be in action in the Jiuxing plant. Each ACM-NT system will supply breast caps to two AMF-i systems. Jiuxing will be able to handle up to 28,800 breast caps per hour [480 pm], filleting them intelligently and efficiently.

Stay aligned

Sales and Marketing Director Arie Tulp comments on the relationship between Marel Poultry and Jiuxing, “We are in constant dialogue with our customers in China and carefully observe trends and specific local market demands. As a result, we stay aligned with Chinese needs and can extend our product portfolio accordingly. We’re pleased to note that an important company such as Jiuxing recognizes our commitment to the Chinese market and puts its trust in us. This will stimulate us even more to continue our efforts to respond to domestic requirements.”

About Jiuxing

Hebei Jiuxing Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Hebei Rongda Livestock and Poultry Co. Ltd) was founded in 2001. After more than ten years of development, the company has expanded its activities to chicken breeding, chicken hatching, feed processing, broiler breeding, broiler processing and deli production. It is a large-scale modern farming and animal husbandry enterprise, which integrates processing and ecological agriculture.

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