Exemplary growth at Lizman S.A.

CoreTech grows along with Argentinian processor


The story of Lizman S.A., an Argentinian company, is typical for many poultry processors around the world who have grown from modest beginnings to an overwhelming success. In this story, the Nuova CoreTech plays an important part, as it will always fit in a factory, no matter how fast it grows.

After having enjoyed considerable growth, Lizman S.A. is now ready to expand from the Argentinian home market to a larger stage. The CoreTech eviscerator fits the bill perfectly and makes it easy to move forward while making efficient and clever use of existing investments. CoreTech "lasts forever" so to speak. When expansion to a higher level of automation is required, there is no need to change the whole machine; it simply grows along with the processor!

Increasing automation

Lizman S.A. is progressing steadily from manual evisceration to automated processes. Together with the Nuova CoreTech eviscerator, the Vent Cutter and Vent Opener from the same Nuova series are also operational in the plant. The well-known Sigma overhead conveyor system with its robust trolleys and shackles transport products smoothly and reliably through the evisceration department and is also used in other processes in the Lizman S.A. plant.

Feet on the ground

Lizman S.A. sets an excellent example to many other processors in the same situation, no matter in what part of the world. The founders originate from the industry and have their feet firmly on the ground. They know their ins and outs and understand how to prevail and how to position their company in the market to get the best results from their operations.

Important decisions

Mr. J. Carlos Guzman, Lizman S.A. General Director, says, "At the moment, we are taking important decisions regarding automation. We put all our trust in Marel because they have the expertise and give support. They supply the right tools for us to go further and so we can look forward to the future with a lot of optimism."

Well-defined steps

Marco Solleveld, Marel Poultry Area Sales Manager in Argentina, is excited about the possibilities offered by the CoreTech concept. "Today you can start a processing line at 1,000 or 2,000 bph (17 or 33 bpm) with the Nuova CoreTech, operating with 10 evisceration units at 12" pitch. After a certain period of time and an upgrade to 6,000 bph (100 bpm), the very same CoreTech machine can handle this speed too, using 20 units at 6" pitch. Looking even further into the future, a line speed of 9,000 bph (150 bpm) is feasible when automated giblet rehanging is integrated. So, every time they reach a new milestone, processors can continuously rely on our installed equipment and services. We support such progress in well-defined steps; we create an ongoing, smooth development, scaling up from initial capacities to higher line speeds."

Mr. J. Carlos Guzman is also enthusiastic about the Nuova CoreTech. "The CoreTech is a crucial stepping stone towards automating of our processes. As we feel it now, it is here to stay."

About Lizman

With more than 20 years of experience in the sector, the poultry processing company Lizman S.A. has branches in many areas of Argentina, where it develops retail sales and wholesale. The retail market, together with a sharp focus on the gastronomic and hotel market, is covered by the brand Locos X El Pollo. The Pollos Santa Monica brand is used for the wholesale market.

Thanks to its policy of continuous ongoing investment, its professional team of employees and its excellent clientele, Lizman S.A. is able to keep on growing, at the same time strengthening the link with its customers. The company's own production facilities are located in the city of Pergamino, in the province of Buenos Aires, where its feed mill, processing plant and some of the breeding farms are located.

This structure helps Lizman S.A. reach the table of its consumers, with products whose quality and range are permanently evolving. The company sells almost all kinds of chicken end products, such as whole products, fillets, drumsticks, legs, thighs, wings, feet, giblets and MDM meat.



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