Frigon: moving Brasilian beef production into the future

Advanced beef processing for a global market

Frigo Deboning

Frigon is accelerating their production of brasilian beef for domestic and international markets with automated equipment from Marel.

Brasilian company Frigon produces fresh and frozen beef products for a local and international market. To achieve and maintain the array of international inspection regulations and meet specific client production requirements, such as Halal, Frigon needs exceptional production capacity and facility conditions.

Ask for a little, improve a lot

Being a long-term customer of Marel, it was a logical choice for Frigon's General Management, to reach out to Marel in 2018 when Frigon decided to build a new facility with slaughtering, deboning and quartering lines. Increasing their processing capacity. "All the equipment with the most modern technology and with the highest productivity numbers in meat processing comes from Marel."

Frigo Beef Quartering

Together Marel and Frigon began to design the new production line. "There were long conversations. Exchanging ideas, Marel visiting our site, us visiting Marel factories. Anything we wanted to improve a little, Marel improved a lot more, and that is what has made the new facility a reality today."

A facility in two stages

The facility's primary and secondary processing lines have been developed and built separately. The new secondary processing line, with quartering and deboning, began full operation in 2021 and process 3600 animals per day. The primary processing line is in the final stages of construction. Frigon is introducing increased automation across all of its production lines.

Their focus for secondary processing was to increase productivity with fewer employees and a smaller footprint. "Today, it's all automated. It works very well; we have higher productivity without losing quality." The secondary processing line uses advanced technology with continuous overhead conveyors, an automated weighing system and the OCM9500+ Automatic Box and Crate Labeler, all working together to increase production flow and dramatically reduce giveaway.

Frigo Secondary Packing

Frigon has fully integrated Innova Food Processing Software with their end-of-line process to improve system stability and reduce data security concerns. Innova centralizes product information, from orders to labels to shipping. A digital dashboard allows Frigon to see production status at any moment, creating a more efficient and accurate processing line.

Marel's team was on hand during installation and startup to ensure everything worked at its optimal level. "We had all the support and monitoring of specialists from Colchester, England. They were here perfecting the equipment more and more every day until it was running at 100%." Marel's service team continues supporting Frigon with in-person and remote contact to keep the facility operating at its best. 

Shared goals

Owner João Gonçalves Filho is constantly looking for ways to progress and innovate Frigon. "At Frigon, everyone is committed to the same goal, to bring quality and food safety to our product. We want to take advantage of technology to continue having strong production results. We are making investments that support this."

Company Profile

Frigon is a primary and secondary beef processor for domestic and international markets, including Europe, Egypt and the United States. Situated in the central area of Rondonia, Brasil, Frigon is in the heart of Brasil's beef country. Every year the ranchers of the area increase their investment and develop their cattle through improved food and genetics. This growing bovine quality offers Frigon opportunities to expand its own processing business using innovative ideas to improve the production and commercialization of beef, investing in employee training and improving the quality of its products and services.

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