"Innova’s information is 'single source of the truth'."
David Anderson
Director of IS and Business Solutions Moy Park
“We are so glad we invested in Innova. It has added value to our operation and has given us competitive advantage. We are sure that we will recoup its cost many times over.” These are the words of David Anderson, Director of IS and Business Solutions at Moy Park, based in Northern Ireland and part of the US Pilgrim Group.
Innova is an operational system providing granular production information real-time. It oversees KPIs such as kg per man hour, uptime, yield and give-away. It also allows management to keep a close eye on whether optimum use is being made of valuable inputs such as raw material and labor.
Plants using Innova can capture all movements of meat, a processor’s most valuable resource, between departments. In this situation, management will always have detailed up-to-the-minute information on stock levels and work in progress, enabling the right decisions to be taken at the right time. Downgrading can be kept to an absolute minimum and management will be able to closely monitor the amount of off-line rework being done and why. Innova can also keep control of stocks of dry goods and packaging materials.
Operations are at the heart of any processing business. Innova is the ideal tool for managing these efficiently from a central control room, where easy-to-read Innova dashboards show key production indicators real-time. This information can then be used as a “single source of the truth” by both plant and financial management. This allows the two disciplines to work closely together from a common, agreed set of data, thereby optimizing production discipline and performance, so that customer orders are met as fully and reliably as possible.
Operations include all processes from live bird receipt to the dispatch of finished orders. In the dispatch department, Innova allows orders to be picked, stock reserved, shipping documentation prepared and customers given useful advance warning of shipment.
The ability of processors to provide full traceability and the assurance of consistent top quality are absolutely vital in ensuring customer loyalty. In a processing plant with the latest in-line Marel systems, Innova can provide full traceability through the processing plant.
"Innova’s information is 'single source of the truth'."
David Anderson
Director of IS and Business Solutions Moy Park
Many plants still operate paper-based quality control systems. By taking information real-time from automatic in-line Marel vision and weight grading systems and by capturing information on rejects and the reasons for them, Innova can offer the system-based quality control system, which international fast food chains increasingly insist upon.
Clear reporting is at the heart of an efficient management process. With Innova, standardized reports can be prepared. This is a particular advantage in large concerns like Moy Park with multiple plants located in different countries.
Processors who have installed Innova often see it as a longer-term project to change the way they run their business. In the past, it was usual for companies to run a larger number of control systems, each focused on a particular aspect of the process. These systems were integrated to a greater or lesser extent. Multi-site processors like Moy Park, however, need a single source of accurate, up-to-the-minute information. This has driven the quest to reduce the number of such systems, to simplify them and to integrate them. Moy Park’s David Anderson continues, “We have been able to reduce the number of these systems by some 80% over four years. Our ultimate ideal is to have a single operational system reporting to a single ERP system.” A full Innova set-up can be that single operational system!
The move to a total Innova process can take place over a longer period of time. A start could, for example, be made with all-important meat management and meat handling processes. This could then be extended to the dispatch department and to the management of all dry goods and packaging materials. The system could be used to evaluate all processes still using manual labor, pinpointing inefficiencies and allowing management to take appropriate remedial action. All waste and wasteful work could be measured and closely monitored. Plant-wide quality control and end-to-end traceability for each individual carcass can also be looked after by a plant-wide Innova system.
A single standardized Innova operational system can drive management processes over multiple sites, improving accountability and maximizing operational efficiency. Quite simply, Innova’s bottom line is your bottom line!
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