“A very positive experience”

Nuova-i brings significant process improvements to Polish processor Cedrob

Nuova I Front Square

Cedrob, founded in 1991, is the largest poultry processing integration in Poland and the 14th largest in the EU. “When installing the new Nuova-i eviscerator, we counted on improving product quality, ” says Łukasz Olszewski, Maintenance Manager at Cedrob. „We had high expectations of the machine.”

Adjusting to flock weights

Recently, Cedrob installed the latest Nuova-i, an eviscerator capable of handling 15,000 birds per hour. Nuova-i brings evisceration into the digital age. Adjustments to cater for different sized flocks, which previously had to be done manually, can now be done electronically using an HMI touch screen mounted into the machine’s frame. This also allows for the storage of recipes for differing flock weights. “When flock weights change, we just have to enter details of the new flock into the touchscreen; the eviscerator then sets itself automatically.” Clever software has largely taken over from the machine operator.

Cedrob Plant2

Always correct

Cedrob welcomes being able to change machine settings quickly and easily. It means that the eviscerator is always set correctly for the size being processed with obvious advantages for both yield and end product quality. At the same time, running the heart of the evisceration process has now been largely de-skilled, yet another important factor for Cedrob. Nuova-i has a redesigned spoon, which together with other technical improvements eviscerates broilers even more cleanly and which transfers to the pack shackle a viscera pack, which is more compact. Damaged giblets, trailing intestines and the attendant risk of cross-contamination are things of the past. What is more, the new spoon is more robust and costs less to own, an additional benefit. “All parts of the chicken, both carcasses and edible giblets, are important for us,” confirms Lukasz Olszewski. “ Liver damage is particularly unwelcome. In our giblet harvesting department, we can really see the improvements in the viscera packs that Nuova-i delivers.

Nuova-i allows us to harvest livers, gizzards, and hearts precisely and without damage, which is essential if we are to offer top quality to our customers.

Łukasz Olszewski
Maintenance Manager at Cedrob

Controlroom Smartbase Nuova I

SmartBase and IMPAQT

Nuova-i is equipped as standard with SmartBase software. Łukasz Olszewski says, “We use SmartBase to monitor the machine. This allows us to check in real-time the eviscerator’s current health status, while the machine is working. If we notice that the machine is not performing as we know it can, we can adjust settings while the line is running. We have more control over the evisceration process. We had very high expectations of Nuova-i and we must say that performance completely reaches the levels we had hoped for.” Access to both this and historical performance information is via the user-friendly HMI touchscreen.

Underperforming evisceration units will be flagged up at a much earlier stage and should no longer come as a hidden ‘surprise’, as could have happened in the past. “We are delighted with this feature, as it gives us a possibility we didn’t have before and should help maximize uptime and prevent unplanned downtime.” Cedrob already operates IMPAQT, the Marel solution for assessing availability, performance and quality in the primary process. Nuova-i’s internal software can interact perfectly with IMPAQT and increases the solution’s effectiveness.

Nuova I Giblet Rehanging4

A very positive experience

For Cedrob, moving to a Nuova-i eviscerator has been a very positive experience. Łukasz Olszewski continues, “Products are eviscerated even more precisely than we’ve ever seen before. Their viscera packs are in even better condition for the automatic processes which follow. This is important for us, as Cedrob has a significant market for giblets. Nuova-i allows us to harvest livers, gizzards, and hearts precisely and without damage, which is essential if we are to offer top quality to our customers.” In terms of yields on the range of weights handled and both carcass and giblet quality, Nuova-i has truly exceeded Cedrob’s expectations.

company website: Cedrob.pl

Products are eviscerated even more precisely than we’ve ever seen before. Their viscera packs are in even better condition.

Łukasz Olszewski
Maintenance Manager at Cedrob

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