2018 Annual Report


Marel has published its 2018 Annual Report.

The report is digital, complete with interesting, interactive content graphs and tables. This is the sixth consecutive year that Marel publishes a web version of its Annual Report, accessible on both marel.com and on the 2018 Annual Report web: http://ar2018.marel.com

Strategy, business operations and corporate responsibility 2018 was a good year for Marel. Revenues in 2018 were EUR 1.2 billion and EBIT 14.6%. At the end of 2018, Marel had over 6,000 employees, working in more than 30 countries.

The 2018 Annual Report provides an extensive overview of the company’s business operations and strategy, as well as providing valuable insight into the business activities in the development and sale of food processing equipment for the poultry, meat and fish industry.

Marel’s growth targets are ambitious. The aim is to increase revenues on average by 12% per year in 2017-2026, capitalizing on strong innovation and market reach. Innovation is and has been at the core of Marel’s strategy from the very beginning. Marel invests around 6% of revenues in innovation, which supports better yield, safety and sustainability in the food processing industry. In 2018, Marel invested EUR 74 million in innovation.

Our vision is clear, in partnership with our customers we are transforming the way food is processed. Our vision is of a world where quality food is produced sustainably and affordably.

Our vision will only be realized with innovation. The same can be said about some of the societal challenges ahead. We are inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact’s call to the corporate sector for responsible business operations. Our response is to apply our culture of innovation and collaboration.

Data-driven from day one

When we brought accurate data collection to the fishing grounds with the first motion-compensating marine scales forty years ago, we tipped the scales towards increased efficiency throughout the value chain. Using decades of precise data, we’ve continuously developed solutions that ensure quality food at the lowest cost – to businesses and to the environment.

Learn more about Marel and how we have used data and innovation to enable our customers to make food production more sustainable by maximizing the yield from ingredients and reducing waste of any type along every single step of the production process.


Marel’s annual general meeting of 2019 will be held at the company’s headquarters today on 6 March, 2019. The meeting starts at 16:00.

Investor relations

For further information, please contact Tinna Molphy or Marinó Thór Jakobsson via email IR@marel.com or tel. +354 563 8001.

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