An exciting program at next week’s Whitefish ShowHow


Close to 200 guests have signed up for the annual Whitefish ShowHow in Copenhagen next week, where they will be treated to an interesting set of speakers and seminars, on top of the demonstrations of both hardware and software designed for modern and future whitefish processing.

Guest speakers discuss the new digital era in fish processing

In the morning, the event will open with presentations by guest speakers Pétur Hafsteinn Pálsson, CEO of Icelandic fish company Vísir hf, and Dag Sletmo, Senior Vice President and Seafood Analyst at Norway's leading financial group DNB.

Pétur will focus on how data collection and analysis has helped Vísir respond to the needs of the market and move into the future, while Dag will expand on how the digital revolution is transforming businesses in all sectors, including seafood, and what happens when digitalization interacts with new regulations and new business models.

From practical to futuristic: A diverse seminar program

In the afternoon, the seminar program covers an array of topics – from practical solutions for packaging or service, to inspiring glimpses into the future of quality control in whitefish processing or how we already use VR in product development.

There will be 10 seminars in the afternoon session – here’s a sneak peek at a few of them:

  • Nourish: healthy and prepacked whitefish and seafood made easy!
    Packaging that improves whitefish freshness, quality, and convenience, presented by:
    Gonzalo Campos – Senior Fish Marketing Manager EMEA, Sealed Air Corporation
    Stefano Colori – Sales & marketing director EMEA & South America, G.Mondini
    Alexandre Ricarte – Fish Sector Executive Director, Food Care Global Marketing, Sealed Air Corporation
  • Automating quality control
    In one of three seminars focusing on quality control, Gunnar Atli Thoroddsen, an embedded software designer at Marel, will explain how technological advances create new opportunities for the fish industry, such as FleXicut’s new quality control addition.
  • FleXicut service program
    Preventive and predictive maintenance reflects Marel’s commitment to work in partnership with its customers. Valdimar Ómarsson, service sales manager at Marel Fish, discusses how we ensure processors get the coverage and assurance they need to run production, as well as access to service specialists.
  • Traceability across the complete value chain
    Full traceability from sea to consumer provides a complete overview of the raw material’s journey through processing, as Bjarni Bergsson, Innova international sales manager at Marel, will explain.

The new control room experience at the ShowHow

Guests entering the Innova control room above the demo hall at Progress Point will experience how modern managers take advantage of the full production control that Marel’s Innova Food Processing Software affords them. It’s no surprise that more than 2,000 processing plants around the world already operate using Innova.

Lively panel discussion

The Whitefish ShowHow will conclude with a panel discussion, moderated by Pål Korneliussen, former publisher, Intrafish Media. The panel discussion is always one of the highlights of the event, and not just because it coincides with happy hour!

It’s a great way to end the day with a robust review of the topics discussed both formally and informally during the event, and a look to the future trends and opportunities in the whitefish processing industry.

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