Dag Sletmo and Arturo Clément at the Salmon ShowHow


Announcing two high-profile guest speakers who will address the 2019 Salmon ShowHow in Copenhagen, 6 February.

Dag Sletmo, Senior VP at DNB Seafood will talk about how digitalization will drive the salmon industry forward, and Arturo Clément will discuss innovation in the Chilean salmon industry.

Dag is an industry analyst and client advisor at DNB Seafood who brings with him a wealth of expertise about how the digital revolution is transforming businesses in all sectors, including seafood. He will talk about how it increases efficiency and reduces cost, while also effecting more radical changes, especially when digitalization interacts with new regulations and new business models.

Arturo has a background as a civil engineer and is a pioneer of the Chilean salmon industry. Attendees at the event will be treated to his insights into how Chilean salmon producers are using the latest Industry 4.0 technologies to face challenges and secure their competitive position. Marel innovation has played an important role in the salmon boom in the region, as processors look for new ways to improve production methods and results.

The Salmon ShowHow is a valuable opportunity for attendees to hear what guest speakers have to say about current technologies and trends. The program invites processors to explore the latest technologies in salmon processing equipment and software, with demonstrations throughout the day for attendees to experience Marel’s industry-leading equipment at close range in a simulated factory setting.

The event brings salmon processors from around the world together each year to discuss the latest processing innovations and industry trends, and to experience some of the key technological advances for themselves.

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