From Flow to Control: Driving the revolution in meat processing

Pork Data

Innovation in meat processing is not just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Consumer expectations, food safety standards, and operational efficiency demand constant evolution. Marel is leading this transformation by focusing on optimizing carcass value, starting from flow optimization, advancing through smart automation, and culminating in digital control. This integrated approach maximizes efficiency, enhances yield, and ensures processors can meet evolving market demands—benefiting both producers and consumers.

The Industrial Revolution Reimagined

Marel’s innovation model reflects the evolution of industrial revolutions—from mechanization to smart systems. The first industrial revolution introduced basic mechanization, while the second brought electrification and mass production. The third added automation through electronics and IT. Today, the fourth industrial revolution—powered by cyber-physical systems—is driving smart factories.

In earlier times, meat processing was a local and manual practice. Before the Second Industrial Revolution, butchering was primarily done at home or by small butcher shops serving local communities. Families would raise and process their own livestock, while butchers played a crucial role in supplying meat to nearby markets. With industrialization, the rise of large-scale slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants transformed the industry. The introduction of the assembly line in the late 19th and early 20th centuries—most notably in Chicago’s meatpacking industry—paved the way for more efficient and centralized meat production. Refrigeration and improved logistics allowed meat to be processed at scale and distributed over long distances, fundamentally changing how meat reached consumers.

Today, this transformation has advanced even further. What began with simple conveyors has evolved into fully connected, data-driven operations. Marel’s approach highlights how flow, automation, and control are interdependent. By creating a smooth flow, introducing automation, and enabling control through digitalization, processors achieve optimal yield, quality, profitability, and reduced labor.

Pork Processing From Flow To Control

The Journey: From Flow to Control

Every revolutionary innovation begins with a solid foundation. For meat processing, that foundation is flow - the seamless and efficient movement of products through each stage of production. This isn’t just about speed; flow is about logistics, ensuring that every product is in the right place at the right time to maximize efficiency, improve traceability, and maintain consistent quality.

For example, vertical processing systems have been pivotal in optimizing flow, enabling the automation of complex tasks like pork deboning. This logistical precision sets the pace for the entire process, creating a foundation for higher throughput while safeguarding food safety and sustainability.

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Flow is the logistical backbone of the processing operation. It ensures efficiency, traceability, and consistency at every stage.

Once flow is established, the next step is automation. Automation has revolutionized the industry by addressing key challenges such as labor scarcity and the demand for consistent quality. Robots and advanced machinery take over repetitive, labor-intensive tasks, ensuring precision and efficiency. From carcass splitting to belly opening and neck cutting, automation ensures not only faster processes but also superior yield and product quality.

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Automation allows us to tackle the most difficult tasks in processing while maintaining hygiene and reducing operational costs. By automating these processes, producers can achieve higher profitability and efficiency.
The final step in this journey is control. Digitalization plays a vital role in elevating automation to the next level. Through smart data collection and analysis, processors gain real-time insights into performance, quality, and yield. This data-driven decision-making enables operators to adapt processes dynamically, optimize output, and reduce waste.

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Meeting Modern Demands

Consumers today expect more than just high-quality meat. They demand transparency, sustainability, and traceability. Marel’s approach ensures that these expectations are met by aligning innovation with market needs. Advanced automation and control not only deliver consistent quality but also minimize environmental impact through efficient use of resources.

Our innovations are designed not just for today but for the future. By focusing on flow, automation, and control, we empower processors to meet evolving consumer demands while staying competitive.”

What’s Next?

From flow optimization to digital control, Marel is shaping the future of meat processing. By addressing industry challenges with integrated solutions, we ensure that processors can deliver consistent quality, optimize carcass value, and meet modern consumer demands.

But our journey doesn’t stop here. The industry continues to evolve, and Marel remains committed to connecting supply and demand, advancing animal welfare, and driving innovation that optimizes carcass value, process efficiency and sustainability.

Industry 5.0: The Next Frontier

So, the journey continues. The principles of Industry 5.0 are emerging, emphasizing the need to integrate advanced systems with human expertise to create solutions that are more customized, efficient, and adaptable to market demands.

Industry 5.0 is not just about improving technology; it’s about enhancing decision-making, connecting data with real-time insights, and ensuring that processors can respond dynamically to change. As the industry evolves, the focus shifts towards solutions that not only improve efficiency but also empower operators to make better, data-driven decisions while optimizing every aspect of meat processing.

Marel remains at the forefront of this transformation, developing next-generation tools that will drive the industry forward. By integrating intelligent automation, process optimization, and digital connectivity, the future of meat processing is set to become more agile, precise, and responsive than ever before.

New tools will be introduced soon that will move the industry even closer to this vision—stay tuned for what’s next.


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