From the sea to the supermarket: A journey into high-tech fish processing

A journey into high-tech fish processing.PNG

Innovation has transformed fish processing into a high-tech industry that uses advanced systems and software to get the fish from the sea to the supermarket.

It now only takes a few hours to process the catch and distribute to customers around the world. Marel has teamed up with Matís, the Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D institute, to create a video demonstrating how cutting-edge technology makes this possible.

Marel combines its extensive knowledge of fish processing technology with heavy investment in product development to create innovative equipment, systems, and software for processing whitefish and salmon, both farmed and wild, onboard and ashore.

Marel has worked closely with processors both locally in Iceland and globally and enjoyed a strong partnership with companies that are forward thinking and constantly on the lookout for new technology and applications to better their performance and maintain their high product standards. 

Matís is a government owned, non-profit, independent research company, founded in 2007. It pursues research and development aligned to the food and biotechnology industries as well as providing Iceland's leading analytical testing service for public and private authorities.

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