Get ready for smarter processing with Marel at SPG


In Brussels this April, Marel invites processors to explore the automation, robotization and data management that best prepare them for today’s hi-tech processing reality.

Companies are increasingly looking for smarter ways to compensate for a diminishing labor supply and meet consumer demand for higher product quality and diversity, so Marel’s focus at Seafood Processing Global this year is on how its products increase processing automation while ensuring the highest yield, throughput and product quality.

Cutting-edge technology has been in focus at Marel since the company was founded more than three decades ago. With technological advances rapidly elevating automation, Marel’s innovative solutions in both salmon and whitefish are setting new industry standards.

Fish processors are experiencing a revolution in their industry, and all of Marel’s core markets have enjoyed ground-breaking advances in processing technology in the past 12 months, with more expected in the year ahead.

For salmon processors, our product highlights include automatic quality scanning of salmon fillets and the unique cutting principles of our new salmon deheading machine. The Quality Scanner MS 2920 scans each fillet and registers volume, color, melanin spots, blood spots, trimming defects, skinning defects, and brown meat, so processors can sort fillets downstream and better control the quality and size of each fillet.

The Salmon Deheader MS 2720 was released for sale 1 January 2018, delivering outstanding results in throughput, yield and quality.

For whitefish, a key highlight is the automated robot packing – a must-see if you missed it at September’s Whitefish ShowHow as part of the FleXicut automatic pinbone removal and portioning system.

FleXicut raises productivity and greatly improves product handling and yield, and the new features automate this process even further, so that the fish can now avoid almost all contact with human hands, making it possible to achieve even greater product quality.

For seafood processors in all segments, we’re also featuring our interconnected Innova Food Processing Software for managing and monitoring production.

Data is increasingly valuable in today’s hi-tech processing environment, and the ability to track and analyze data is key to fish processors being competitive. Our Innova experts at the event will show visitors how they can use the data generated by machines in real time to gain full production control and traceability.

Marel ensures strong performance for its customers in terms of quality, yield and throughput, and its innovations let the industry achieve this more affordably and sustainably with greater automation.

Join our experts in Brussels and explore ground-breaking advances in Marel processing technology, as well as the essential standard equipment that lays the foundation for quality processing.

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