How to solve labor scarcity and increase your yield in pork production

The DeboFlex is helping pork processors address the shortage of skilled labor that has plagued the pork industry

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By utilizing the revolutionary vertical pork processing of the DeboFlex, you can reduce your dependence on labor and increase yield.

In the dynamic world of pork processing, a looming challenge has emerged—a shortage of skilled labor in an industry that relies heavily on manual labor. The consequences are reduced production, product quality and safety, and heightened pressure on the existing workforce. Automation in pork cutting and deboning offers a beacon of hope to reduce your dependence on labor while increasing your yield.

The labor scarcity issue, although long-standing, has been further compounded by the unprecedented disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic strained labor resources by triggering absenteeism, quarantine measures, and health concerns. Like many other industries, pork processing plants have since faced operational slowdowns, closures and workforce challenges. The limited output and increased strain on workers, combined with a rise in demand for pork products, pose critical challenges that require innovative solutions to bridge the gap.

Automation as a solution to labor scarcity

Automation alters how we approach the challenges posed by labor scarcity and can produce tangible improvements across your pork processing business. One standout solution that has gained considerable attention is the DeboFlex system.

With DeboFlex's vertical processing, you can reduce your dependence on labor, reach new levels of yield improvement and transform your pork cutting and deboning in more ways than one. It introduces a seismic shift in how pork processing plants operate, promising increased productivity, reduced risk of injuries, and improved process efficiency.

The benefits of DeboFlex

Maximized yield: Maximized yield means optimizing the utilization of each pig and minimizing waste, ultimately leading to increased profitability. With DeboFlex’s hanging cutting and deboning, the carcass remains stable by utilizing gravity to aid in the process, facilitating precise cuts and reducing the risk of wastage. Extracting the most meat possible improves production efficiency, leading to cost savings and higher returns.

Additionally, yield improvement enhances sustainability efforts by reducing resource consumption and minimizing food waste, thus reducing the environmental impact of pork production.

Increased productivity: DeboFlex redefines productivity by tirelessly performing once labor-intensive tasks. Its precision and unwavering pace significantly boost production capacity, providing a vital counterbalance to labor scarcity.

Reduced risk of injuries: In an industry known for physically demanding work, the risk of injuries is an ever-present concern. DeboFlex addresses this issue head-on by automating tasks that would otherwise risk injury, physical strain or fatigue. By assuming these tasks, it minimizes the potential for accidents, ensuring a safer and more secure work environment.

Improved process efficiency: DeboFlex's automation isn't just about replacing manual labor but optimizing the entire processing workflow. Streamlining operations and introducing cutting-edge technology ensures that each step in the process is executed with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Automating our production has given us tremendous benefits. Labor shortage is by far our biggest challenge. With the DeboFlex, several deboning tasks are automatic, which decreases the need for labor. It has meant less need for de-rinding operators and a more accurate and consistent product.

Darren Andrew
Operations Director at UK pork processor Cranswick

The impact of labor scarcity in pork processing is significant. But as we navigate these challenges, automation and systems like DeboFlex represent a transformative path forward. With these innovative solutions, the industry can not only overcome labor shortages but also drive efficiency, productivity, and safety to new heights, securing a brighter and more sustainable future for pork processing.

Take your pork processing to the next level

Ready to unlock the full potential of your business by reducing your dependence on skilled labor with DeboFlex?

Download our comprehensive eBook, "DeboFlex: How vertical cutting and deboning is changing the game," and discover how this revolutionary technology can transform your pork processing business.

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