Hybrid Annual General Meeting due to COVID-19

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On 6 March 2020 the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police and Chief Epidemiologist raised the alert level of the response to the COVID-19 virus outbreak to emergency phase.

Electronic participation in the 2020 AGM
Endanleg dagskrá og tillögur til aðalfundar
Final agenda and proposals of the BoD
Rafræn þátttaka á aðalfundi Marel 2020

Due to this as well as the global situation the Board of Directors of Marel has decided that the Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held in Gardabaer, Iceland, on Wednesday 18 March 2020, will be a hybrid meeting, which means that the shareholders may attend by virtual means as well as in person. Those attending virtually will be able to log into a live webcast, vote electronically in real time and ask questions in writing through the Lumi app or website.

Shareholders and their proxies are strongly encouraged to utilize the options available to them to participate in the AGM without attending in person, such as pre-meeting electronic voting and virtual attendance.

Shareholders who wish to attend the meeting virtually must pre-register their attendance as soon as possible and no later than at 12:00 GMT/13:00 CET on the day of the meeting. Shareholders holding shares listed on Nasdaq Iceland do this through the shareholder portal on Marel’s website and shareholders holding shares listed on Euronext through their custodian/intermediary.

Shareholders are urged to follow the Icelandic Directorate of Health’s instructions in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak. Shareholders attending the meeting in person will be required to fill out a questionnaire regarding recent travel to high risk areas and possible flu-like symptoms at registration into the meeting.

Hereby attached is further information on the virtual AGM, as well as the final agenda and proposals to the Annual General Meeting.

Notice to submit proposals or matters to be considered by the meeting has passed, as per Clause 4.20 of the Articles of Association of Marel.

Further information can be found at the Company's website:


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