Improve dispatch data, improve productivity

Implementing a system to keep track of dispatch data is imperative to your company’s productivity

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Processors need to get the right product to the right customer at the right time—every time. The dispatch process is the final stage of production and is essential to ensure that you meet your customers’ expectations and invoice them correctly. Having visibility over the entire process is the key to success.

Why the traditional approach falls short

Handwritten or pre-printed forms have been the typical approach to dispatch for many years. These outdated systems are highly susceptible to human error, which can lead to issues such as transposed writing on labels or forms and accidental duplication of forms. These avoidable mistakes can cause costly and time-consuming delays for customers who depend on you.

Traditional systems are also slow and inefficient when it comes to traceability and meeting regulatory demands. With food safety regulations constantly evolving, a paper-based system lacks the agility you need to adapt quickly to changing requirements. Failure to comply with strict regulations can delay shipments and put your company at risk of hefty fines.

Although some businesses still get by using these cumbersome methods, it makes no sense to waste employees’ valuable time and talents on mundane paperwork. These processes can be completed faster and more effectively with data-driven digital solutions.

This is why to compete in today’s market, processors need production control software that can overcome the challenges of product labeling and distribution.

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How to know you have the right product ready for dispatch

There are four key components to having the right product ready for dispatch:

Correct labeling

The ordered product must be clearly marked with the correct food label, complete with all of the necessary information.

Inventory location

The product needs to be in the correct storage area and easy to locate.

Enough product

You need to have enough product ready to ship when required. To achieve this, you need to know when your inventory is running low.

Prevent recalls

To prevent and contain devastating recalls, you must be able to track and trace any product accurately and immediately.

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How data-driven software improves your dispatch process

Efficiency and accuracy

Implementing a system to keep track of dispatch data is essential to ensure that your company operates at peak productivity. For example, by keeping track of everything by scanning a barcode on a box instead of checking it off on a piece of paper, you eliminate the risk of counting a product twice. Moreover, not having to write everything down and transcribe it later makes the process dramatically faster.

Software also enables you to send the order information to accounting software to improve the efficiency of invoicing. In addition, you can send shipping information out as an automated shipment notification for the destination.


With a software-controlled dispatch process, you can scan product or pallet barcodes and assigning them to the order. This ensures that you can quickly and easily perform a backwards trace if there is any issue with the final product once it arrives to the customer, or a forward trace in the case of a recall situation.

As CEO of Hazeldenes Mark Heintz explains, having this capability with Innova software plays a vital role in preventing recalls. “There was this one event that we stopped the product while it was still on the truck before going actually to the retailer. Without having that functionality within the software and without having full traceability through the system, it would have got to the customer and we would have been in a much different territory. We would have been in recall territory rather than in withdrawal territory.”

Maintain inventory

Software makes it easy to record shipments as dispatched, so you can remove products from inventory. This enables you to maintain the inventory levels, so you always know exactly what’s available for sale.

Accurate invoicing

Software helps you to generate order fulfillments and send that information to the ERP system, so that you can properly bill the customer. Processors need to know exactly what was assigned to each order so that the bill of lading matches exactly to what was picked.

Go paperless

Digitalizing your dispatch process eliminates the need for slow, wasteful, and inefficient paper-based systems.

Centralized control

Processors need a single source of accurate, up-to-the-minute information. Instead of having multiple systems, good software can simplify and integrate them into a single source of truth. Moy Park’s David Anderson explains that with Innova, “We have been able to reduce the number of these systems by some 80% over four years.”

A breakthrough in production control software

Innova is a powerful software suite that collects and collates data, enabling you to enhance productivity at every stage of your supply chain.

With an intuitive and elegant dashboard, it gives you full visibility and control of your packaging and labeling, palletizing, inventory, and dispatch process.

Your orders can be processed online, pallets packed automatically, and labels printed based on real-time data. End products can be traced back to the exact supplier’s delivery.

With a proven track record, Innova is easy to implement and brings impeccable simplicity, clarity, and performance to your production.

Learn more about how Innova can help perfect your dispatch process:

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