Innova meets every individual software need

Targeting the different plant roles related to software

Production Control Software User Types

The Innova Food Processing Software program for poultry processors has grown such that at any given moment many different people in a processing plant are using the program for their own area of activity. A Plant Manager, for example, makes completely different use of Innova, compared to a Production Planner. Marel understands these divergent needs and has clearly defined the different roles and activities. Innova knows how to satisfy the needs of all different roles.

CEO, Owner, Plant Manager

An Owner/Plant Manager expects a software program to give him a plant operating reliably with yield, profit and results all up and labor costs down. He wants a competitive advantage over other currently used systems. From the software supplier he is looking for high quality service, reliable delivery times and regulatory compliance.

Production Planner 

A Production Planner is in charge of decisions regarding order control and planning. It’s about managing order, inventory and production reports. He closely monitors on his dashboards data coming from Innova. He accurately tracks the day´s output and order targets.

Quality Control Manager

A QC Manager is concerned with quality reports, traceability and flock management. She manages the flow of product through the factory and works with auditors to monitor conditions and product quality. She researches the orders of the day to track the flock going into a customer order. She uses histogram reports, graphs and charts to ensure orders are fulfilled.

Technical / Maintenance Manager

For the Technical Manager, the software platform must be easy to use, secure and ultra-reliable (high uptime). Innova must offer an overview of equipment performance and more automation of his duties. He particularly likes the flexible development platform that Innova offers. He often uses remote monitoring, enabling preventive maintenance.

Production Manager primary process

A Production Manager engages daily with the Innova system in the plant. He appreciates Innova´s focus on traceability and proper labeling. His focus is also on Quality Control. Product integrity is central to his job. From a central control room, he monitors dashboards that display order data and status so he can react quickly to issues around the primary processes in the plant.

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