Innovation is key at all times

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Each year Marel invests about 6% of revenue in innovation, part of the company’s contribution towards transforming the way food is processed.  Tangible results of this investment policy are on display at exhibitions around the world, such as IPPE, VIV Europe and VIV Asia, where Marel continuously launches great innovative products for the poultry industry.

Allard Martinet, Director Logistics & Systems Engineering Innovation for Marel Poultry says, "Once demonstrated in public, we notice how processors can hardly wait to implement these systems and solutions in their own plants, examples being Nuova-i, Spectra, IMPAQT and Breast Meat Distribution. It goes to show that processors are looking for ways to prepare their businesses for the decade to come, extracting the maximum value from each product while managing production costs."

Innovation can tackle issues

Allard Martinet looks forward, "Despite the turbulent macroeconomic and geopolitical situation, we predict a great future for these new developments. High energy prices, labor shortages and climate change are some of the major issues influencing our playing field. We truly believe that innovation can tackle many of the increasingly strict governmental regulations and market requirements resulting from these issues."

We have entered a new era of controlling and monitoring machines.

Allard Martinet
Director Logistics & Systems Engineering Innovation for Marel Poultry

A new era

"In our research and development department, not forgetting the development of our core technology, we focus on three areas, automation, robotization and digitalization. For sure, digitalization will be an area not to miss. Cloud computing, remote access and constant health monitoring are techniques we can no longer do without. With SmartBase, our integrated machine-software, we have entered a new era of controlling and monitoring machines, our new Nuova-i eviscerator being a perfect example."


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