Marel to address the North Atlantic Seafood Forum


As an Icelandic company, Marel is especially pleased to participate in next week’s North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) in Bergen, Norway, where Iceland is this year’s promoted nation.

Virtual reality and key speaker insights

The Marel booth at the forum will offer visitors a 360° experience of fish processing with Marel’s state-of-the-art equipment.

Key speakers at the conference include Sigurdur Ólason (Managing Director, Marel Fish) and Stella Björg Kristinsdóttir (Marketing Manager, Marel Fish, and member of the NASF2019 Icelandic delegation).

Innovating with vision

The Icelandic national delegation is running a seminar 5 March—‘Inspired by Iceland’—focusing on sustainability, quality and innovation.

In this context, Sigurdur Ólason will highlight some of the opportunities that new technologies and innovations are opening up for the seafood processing sector.

The session ends with a panel discussion and reception.

Industry 4.0 and the story of Marel

Stella Björg Kristinsdóttir is a key speaker at NASF the following day in a session examining the Nordic seafood sector and Industry 4.0.

Stella will discuss how the story of Marel reflects the way Nordic seafood processors have adopted new technologies – including the sector’s current shift to Industry 4.0 automation.

“As an Icelandic company, and as a leader in smarter processing technologies, we look forward to meeting everyone in Bergen and taking a very active part in the discussions,” says Stella. “We welcome everyone to join us at the ‘Inspired by Iceland’ seminar, as well as visit our stand throughout the forum.”

Details of the NASF 2019 program

The North Atlantic Seafood Forum takes place 5-7 March in Bergen, Norway. It is the world's largest business conference in the field of fisheries and seafood. This year, Iceland is the conference’s guest of honor.


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