Goose Processing

Goose processing

As a goose is on average much bigger and heavier than a duck, therefore specialized equipment is needed when geese enter the processing plant. For that purpose, Marel PMJ provides dedicated goose processing systems.
In practice, most goose processors have a mixed production program, processing ducks too. That is why Marel PMJ developed a range of machines that can process both species using one single line. Such processors need to be able to switch to different settings every few hours. Marel PMJ's versatile designs and innovative solutions accept extended weight ranges and feature quick-exchange tool sets, to enable such hybrid duck and goose processing. It is precisely this experience that makes Marel PMJ the waterfowl specialist and the equipment partner to work with.

PMJ Cooling Tank

Combined processing

In many parts of the world, such as in Eastern Europe, most of the goose processing lines are combined duck/goose lines. It is Marel’s challenge to enable proper processing of such a mixed supply of birds with different shapes, sizes and weights, from Peking ducks of about 3 kilos live weight to geese weighing 9 kilos. Such variations are especially challenging in the evisceration department. Fortunately, Marel PMJ makes it easy to adjust a number of basic parts of the eviscerator, such as the spoon, the leg spreader and the lung extractor. These are quick changeover systems that will take about fifteen minutes of work to switch, allowing processors to make fully combined lines with a small conversion. When such lines process ducks one day and geese the next day, a changeover can be done during the cleaning time, which makes combined processing profitable in this way.

Wax Reclaim Tank

Other species

For processors handling other species, such as quails, pheasants, small turkeys, wild ducks and other game, Marel PMJ also offers eviscerators and other machinery. Such processing lines usually run at lower speeds and may switch three times a day between different bird species.

Foie Gras

A misunderstanding about foie gras

The common opinion is that the traditional French foie gras birds are geese, but the entire foie gras industry in France is about a special breed of ducks that are very close to geese.

Birds that are traditionally stuffed with corn using a funnel (a method that is considered to be not very humane) are simply impossible to process industrially. Machines can’t be adjusted to that, because the entire esophagus is completely filled with raw corn.

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