portion cutting turkey

Portion cutting

High speed, high precision cutting with minimum give-away

Automated, high-speed, high-precision performance is the number one requirement for good portioning and slicing. We offer high-speed solutions for the production of all kinds of fixed weight or fixed dimension products. Having a wide variety of portioning options, our equipment is designed to live up to your need for uniform, natural looking end products.

Keeping give-away to an absolute minimum is probably one of your highest priorities. Portion cutting should, therefore, be done extremely accurately, creating opportunities for maximizing your profit. Remote programming and control become easy when portioning equipment is combined with Innova intelligent production software.

To achieve a high-quality texture and taste of the turkey meat, the Platino is an excellent solution. It performs flattening massaging without too much pressure.

For removing trim rejects or sorting product, the SpeedSort system uses an ultra-fast retraction conveyor. It opens and closes so quickly that it can even remove trim from both front and back ends of a single product.

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