
ACM-T modular cut-up system

  • Inline modular turkey cut-up system
  • Unrivalled high-yield automation
  • Limitless layout and production flexibility
  • Highest percentage of A-grade cuts


Specialized inline turkey cut-up with the highest yield and highest quality at the highest line speeds can be achieved thanks to Marel’s automated and advanced ACM-T cut-up solution.

Maximum product utilization in cut-up

The products are hung with their legs into the shackles to transport them across the different processing modules, of which some can be bypassed. The cut-off products are conveniently discharged on belt conveyors to be transported to the next handling. 

A wide variety of processing modules is available for market-specific cut up with unequalled yield.

Wing processing

All popular wing products, including anatomically cut products, can be processed by ACM-T modules. The wide range of wing processing modules ensure the highest yields and the best possible product utilization.

Breast/front half processing

Breast caps, half breast caps, front halves and breast quarters are examples of anatomically cut back and breast products which can be processed with the flexible ACM-T cut-up system.

Leg processing

The specialized ACM-T leg processing modules are capable of producing end products with high yield and great accuracy. The JL-RT separates the rear half into two anatomic legs and a back piece. The precise positioning by the product carriers allows the  JL-RT to harvest the most oysters with the leg.Thanks to the uniform (anatomic) cuts, the presentation is always attractive and perfect for retail sale. 

Pre-processing and by-products

Various ACM-T modules for harvesting and pre-processing of by-products are available. To supply additional profits, by-products such as necks and neck skin can be processed.

  • Large variety of wing, leg, breast, neck cutting modules
  • Modular configuration, individually adaptable to market requirements
  • Producing end products with highest accuracy and yield
  • Suitable for both water and air chilled products
  • Fewer manual operations and larger number of end product options
  • Maximum product utilization with Innova PDS production control
  • Highest percentage of A-grade cuts in the market
  • Uniform (anatomic) cuts, always with attractive presentation, perfect for retail sale
  • Possible harvesting and pre-processing of by-products


Production control software

Matching supplied products with incoming orders can be done with the help of Innova PDS production control software. The result is maximum product utilization, combined with the highest percentage of A-grade cuts in the entire poultry processing industry, while comprehensive reporting provides clear overviews of what has come in and what is going out.


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

Ron Prestage2
Damate Boxmeer

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