
Certified Flowscale

Compact, durable, high-capacity belt weigher

  • Capacity up to 100 tons per hour
  • Weights & Measures approved
  • Certified accuracy
  • Gentle handling of delicate products


Total weight

The Certified Flowscale is a compact, durable, high-capacity belt weigher used for total weight measurement; it is ideal to weigh a continuous flow of material moving on a conveyor.

Similar to the way water or electricity meters function, the scale registers the total weight of the product flow that is moving across it. It displays this measurement on a sealed M2200 display.


The Certified Flowscale is self-contained and has a built-in conveyor belt. It can be used to measure the total amount of poultry products in and out of specific process.

The Certified Flowscale has W&M approvals for use in commercial business. It has a hygienic and easy-cleaning design.


The Certified Flowscale is highly accurate. It is in the 0.5 weighing instrument accuracy class as defined by W&M authorities.

  • Durable, high-capacity belt weigher
  • Compact design
  • Built-in conveyor belt
  • Includes a sealed M2200 display
  • Approved accuracy class 0.5
  • Certifications: EC & OIML for Europe, NTEP/NIST for the US
  • Hygienic and easy-cleaning design


Weighing capacity

  • Flow rate up to 100 metric tons/hr at belt speed of 0.5 m/s (100 ft/min)
  • Flow rate scales according to conveyor speed
  • Discontinuous flow reduces weighing capacity

Weighing accuracy

Class 0.5 (OIML R50) weighing instrument:

  • ±0.5% in-service accuracy
  • ±0.25% when adjusted & tested


Two models are available, both 1900 mm long:

  • W615 with 615 mm belt width
  • W922 with 920 mm belt width


Benefits of Innova for the Certified Flowscale

  • Reliable real-time registration and feedback on received material
  • Provides a unique alibi number for legal and authentication requirements
  • Built-in traceability tracking capabilities for the registered raw material
  • Efficient data collection and reporting for supplier verification of received material

Supply verification

The Innova module for Certified Flowscales ensures reliable data collection for each flow and can be set up based on customer, vessel and other specifications. The software provides reliable real-time registration and feedback on all received material, letting you verify material received from your suppliers.

Simplifies legal reporting requirements

Legal demands and quantities of received raw material from a supplier are a global requirement in the food industry. Innova for the Certified Flowscale makes it easy to meet these demands by collecting data and tracking traceability information. It creates reports that can be cross-referenced with the Certified Flowscale’s alibi memory storage.

Connect your business

Innova software can be implemented stand-alone with your Certified Flowscale, or it can be integrated with other Marel processing equipment across a full-line solution.


  • Optional accessories include height extensions as well as a drip pan.
  • Extra electrical cabinet for infeed controlled by the flowscale can be added as an option.


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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