
CO2 Stunning System

Advanced, efficient and animal-friendly solution for effective stunning of pigs

  • Butcher pigs and sows are stunned in groups
  • Complies with all relevant legal requirements
  • Stress-free handling improves meat quality


Marel has extensive experience in designing flexible CO2 stunning systems for humane stunning of pigs, with more than 800 installations throughout the world. Marel CO2 stunning systems can be supplied in a variety of configurations, all of which comply with legal requirements, and are by default supplied with a stunning registration system.

Upon arrival, pigs are automatically driven to slaughter in groups with minimal human contact. This is to keep a high standard of animal well-being and to limit stress to the pigs. Different stunning system configurations are available, but the most widely used system is group CO2  stunning.

  • Capable of stunning up to 800 pigs/hour depending on the type of Backloader. Higher capacity can be achieved with a double installation of a Backloader.
  • Can be supplied with automated stable and driveway
  • Installations comply with legal requirements


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.


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Title Backloader G3 Relax - English Size (1.5MB) Document Download PDF
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