
Drip drum

Speeding up the drying process

  • Fast drying of chilled products
  • Enables continuous production
  • Large capacity
  • Handles products with care


A drip drum is an efficient way of speeding up the drying process and improving production continuity.

Coming out of the water chiller, the cold products will still be very wet, which is unwanted in the downstream processes. It is no option to put them aside and wait until they are dry. The process must move on and people are waiting to cut up the products in smaller parts or pack the products as whole grillers. A drip drum is a practical solution to this.

The drip drum is a rotating cylindrical 'cage', composed of metal bars, that separates free water from the products after they leave the screw chiller. Products will get rid of excess water in a couple of seconds thanks to the rotating movement of the drum and the water-permeable bar construction. It is big enough and has plenty of capacity to deal with all products that leave the largest screw chiller. Despite the rotating movement, the drip drum handles products with care; no damage is done to the surface whatsoever.



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Al Rebass Ernst

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