
Giblet processing

  • Careful handling of all valuable giblets
  • Respecting strictest hygiene rules
  • Ideal mix of semi and fully automated operations
  • Guaranteed highest yield


Valuable edible duck giblets can be harvested and processed manually, partly or fully automatically. Marel PMJ provides semi and fully automated solutions to get the highest yield of livers, hearts and gizzards.

Giblet inspection belt

Marel PMJ's inspection belt receives the giblet pack from the eviscerator and presents the pack synchronized with the shackled product, allowing the veterinary inspector to inspect both easily and effectively. The belt features markers to easily match the pack with the corresponding carcass. The inspection belt is suitable for several products, shackle pitches and capacities up to 7,000 pph.

Heart Liver Separator

This semi-automatic system separates the heart and liver from the intestines and gizzard. The giblets need to be placed into the carriers manually: heart and liver at one side, intestines and gizzard on the other side. Then a circular blade, positioned close to the carrier, cuts the heart and liver automatically from the pack.

Gizzard Intestine Separator

To separate any gizzard effectively from the intestines, the Gizzard Intestine Separator enables the processing of different species. Therefore this system can be used for ducks and geese. Two rollers pull the gizzard from the intestines, without causing any damage to the gizzard.

Gizzard Washer

The Gizzard Washer cleans the gizzard by removing the surplus of fat and/or fatty tissue without affecting gizzard yield. Both gizzard and gizzard lobes benefit from this gentle but effective fat removal. The Gizzard Washer allows for easy adjustment of dwell time and throughput and guarantees long durability and low maintenance.

Gizzard Lobe Cutter

The gizzard is manually put into a module that ensures the transport to the Gizzard Lobe Cutter. Thanks to the internal positioning and cleaning system, the gizzard is optimally positioned to obtain an above average cutting yield. The Gizzard Lobe Cutter cuts both ends of the gizzard and separately disposes of inedible parts and valuable lobes, enabling efficient lobe harvesting. Good access to the inside of the machine results in easy maintenance and cleaning.

Gizzard Finisher

After having been separated by the Gizzard Lobe Cutter, the lobes are defattened by the Gizzard Finisher. Fat and other remnants are gently but effectively removed from the lobes. Dwell time and throughput can be adjusted easily. 


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