
Duck transfer unit

  • Smooth transfer
  • Intermediate buffer rehang
  • Different speeds of the two lines
  • Customizable configuration
  • Optional weighing


Automatically transferring products from one overhead conveyor to the next requires effective and specialized solutions. Especially when dealing with the special characteristics of duck or other large waterfowl, specialized solutions designed for this application are required.

The transfer unit works with a buffer rehanger, enabling the incoming and outgoing lines to run independently. If needed, the outgoing line can run faster than the incoming line. This is possible thanks to independent bird carriers. In the first corner wheel, products are lifted out of the incoming shackles and put into the temporary product carriers of the second wheel. Subsequently, these carriers shackle the products to the outgoing line. 


Marel PMJ transfer systems are highly customizable and can be completely configured to suit your needs and requirements. The various options for releasing the birds from the incoming shackle and many possibilities for loading into the outgoing line offer great flexibility.

The option for integrated weighing in-between lines means weighing can be done regardless of the type of shackle.


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