
Film Wrapper, Aranea

  • Ergonomic loading of the individual film-rollers
  • Hygienic design – easy to clean
  • Available in different applications, for example side sealers


Marel’s wrapping solutions include both film wrapping and shrink wrapping units, which can easily be fitted into existing production lines. All wrapping solutions are hygienic, efficient, ergonomically flexible and comply with the highest HACCP demands.

Our fully automatic Aranea 100 and Aranea 55 packing machines perform polyethylene film wrapping of any kind of product, from lightweight material to trays, cartons and “foodtainers”.
Depending on the size of the product and the selected technical solution, up to 45 objects per minute can be handled. This makes our packing machines among the fastest on the market.

The machines are easy to operate and require minimum maintenance. By using the control module of the Aranea wrapping machine, it is possible to minimize film tails and thus assure cost efficiency.

By using a fully automatic shrink wrapping system, 20–25 units can be shrunk and wrapped per minute with minimum energy consumption. Variable belt speed and temperature regulation ensure high flexibility.


Marel offers a range of service solutions for customers to prevent failures, maximize performance or reactive service in case of unexpected breakdowns.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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