

  • Visual assessment right before cut-up
  • Consistently reliable performance
  • Picks up a wide variety of defects
  • Fast decision-making after assessment
  • Product distribution in the cut-up line


IRIS, the Intelligent Reporting, Inspection & Selection system, evaluates whole products and the seven anatomic portions at multiple locations in the processing plant. In the ACM-NT cut-up system, IRIS is an interesting application where an ACM-NT cut-up system also serves as a whole bird selection line. In this way, IRIS NT is used to identify and release products for sale whole.

Fast selection

With no separate distribution line available, products pass directly from chilling to the cut-up department. In the cut-up line, IRIS performs its task just before products will enter the ACM-NT modules. IRIS can assess them within a second. That is sufficient for decision-making about their destination.

When a B-grade part is detected, such as a broken leg, the product passes on to the cut-up modules. A-grade products are discharged from the line before they attain the cut-up modules, destined to be sold as whole products.

How it works

The system consists of a digital camera, LED lighting and advanced recognition software.

It uses shape, color and texture to detect defects such as broken wings, red and blue bruises, fecal stains, remaining feathers and skin damage. IRIS can be used on both water and air chilled products.

Recognition software processes the images received from the camera and allocates a quality grade to each portion of the product.

  • Digital imaging and advanced recognition software at the highest speeds
  • IRIS NT integrates whole bird selection into the cut-up line 
  • Allows management to set very precise standards for downgrading before cut-up 
  • Fully integrated into Marel Innova poultry plant-wide information and control system
  • Will reliably pick up a very wide range of defects
  • Can accurately determine the size of a bruise or length of a scratch
  • Suitable for both air and water chilled product
  • Suitable for “specialty” products, such as corn fed, organics and free range chicken
  • Can be combined with IRIS DF
  • Easy to install, calibrate, use and maintain
  • Can be installed at multiple locations in the plant 
  • Separate front and backside systems possible


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

Sander De Bruijn Jan Legters Esbro

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