With the BXM-LOIN, pork loin and bacon can be defatted in a simple and cost-saving way. The back fat is removed in a single piece with skin attached, making it suitable for further processing, such as fully automatic derinding.
- Performance in line with market requirements: Up to 800 loins/bacons per hour
- Continuous operation and high profitability with the opto-electronic fat recognition system BFE1
- Improved product sanitation due to contact-free fat layer measurement
- High flexibility and short changeover: Suitable for right and left sides of loin/bacon as well as bone-in and boneless products; process without presorting
- Spring-mounted infeed conveyor belt combined with fully automatic height adjustment of pressure unit, thus no product sizing or selection necessary
- Plastic-link conveyor belt provides easier cleaning and less wear, especially for cold and very rigid pork rinds
- Uses a 434 mm standard skinner knife–no need to stock expensive special knife types
- Cutting command for consistent defatting result and high product quality without cuts in the backfat
- Too fat or too meager cuts are separated automatically
- Individual setting of fat thickness for short reaction time for specific customer/market requirements
- Easy handling, no need for trained personnel
- High degree of process automation–high profitability