
Quality grading station QS-3

  • Visual veterinarian inspection
  • Backside visible in mirror
  • 3-level quality grading with levers
  • Sensor picks up quality info and passes it on


In the QS-3 Quality Grading Station for ducks, the veterinarian inspector visually checks the passing products to determine the quality. A mirror also allows for inspection of the backside of the product.

To rate the quality of the product, the corresponding lever must be placed in the proper position. The lever is part of the product shackle and moves along with the product.

A sensor picks up the signal of the detected lever and sends the quality type info to the product distribution system.

  • One lever available for every product shackle  
  • 3-position lever to determine 3 quality grades
  • Optional 6 quality grades
  • Driven by overhead conveyor
  • Provided with an emergency stop


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