
Transversal Tank for Swine Scalding

Water immersion scalding system, with capacity, time and temperature control

  • Extremely compact
  • Parameterizable scaling time
  • Uniformity and great scalding quality
  • Allows shorter time between scalding and hair removal, avoiding cooling the swine


Transversal Tank for Swine Scalding performs this process in a safe and hygienic way, reaching a capacity of up to 240 swine/hour, since it has a system composed of water tank and drum with intermittent movement combs. 

The excellent final result is due to the fact that the swine is completely submerged in water, reaching a good temperature uniformity and a low scalding time. For being extremely compact, the equipment is very indicated when the physical space used in the refrigerator is taken into account. 

The equipment also has a time and temperature control system, making the process adjustable according to the customer's needs. At the end of the process the scalded pig is transported to the hair removal in an automatic and fast way, avoiding the reduction of its temperature, which can cause a decrease in its quality. 


  • Protection covers on moving parts
  • Easy cleaning equipment
  • Temperature control system
  • It allows a shorter time between the scalding and the hair removal, avoiding the cooling of the swine
  • It has openings and access hatches near the bottom of the tank to facilitate the hygiene of the equipment
  • It has water heating in a separate compartment through steam injection, avoiding injuries caused by burning on the swine






Transversal Tank for Swine Scalding 60 - 90 

Up to 90 swine/hour 


Transversal Tank for Swine Scalding  60 - 120 

Up to 120 swine/hour 


Transversal Tank for Swine Scalding  240 

Up to 240 swine/hour 


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