
Wing cutting modules

  • Accurate cutting
  • Capacity 6,500 bph
  • Eviscerated weight 1000-2800 grams


We offer various modules for cutting whole wings and/or inner wing joints in the cut up system.

There are modules to cut the whole wing and/or inner wing joint anatomically without leaving any breast meat on the wing portion, or harvest an additional 5-7 grams of meat from the back of the carcass without compromising breast meat yield.

  • Modules can be fitted with a by-pass guide for selective wing processing
  • Can be lowered manually or electrically for maintenance and cleaning
  • Hand wheel adjustment for fine tuning during production
  • Can be fitted with a product divider for selective discharge of right/left wings
  • Stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant materials 


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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