5 reasons why leading processors choose the RevoPortioner

Three leading convenience food companies share their experiences

Marel Revoportioner 1000 Low Pressure Forming Chicken Nuggets

Consumer demand for convenience products continues to rise, and requirements for variation in flavors and appearance are increasing rapidly. It’s more important than ever for processors to have flexible systems that can produce the highest quality products. Three of Europe’s leading convenience food companies share their experiences with the RevoPortioner and why they have chosen to use this innovative low-pressure forming system.

With this Marel solution, we have opened the door to the future.

Luc Hecker
Innovation and Process Development Manager, Mora

Convenience snack producer Mora creates  high-quality chicken products with the RevoPortioner food forming machine.

1. Laying the foundation for quality

It’s essential to lay a solid base for convenience products right from the beginning. The RevoPortioner uses low-pressure forming to do this. A unique system of pressure sensors optimizes the air pulse that discharges products from the forming drum. It gives an enhanced release and maintains product integrity better than any comparable equipment on the market.

Dutch convenience snack producer Mora has been producing convenience snacks for almost 60 years. The company sees the RevoPortioner as the foundation for a high-quality chicken product. “In order to create premium products, you need to ensure a premium meat structure and texture. This is exactly what the RevoPortioner offers”, says Luc Hecker, Innovation and Process Development Manager.

Marel RevoPortioner 1000 low-pressure food forming machine increases volume and product consistency in food processing

2. Unrivaled technology - unrivaled results

Consumers are becoming more discerning and demanding higher standards. Whatever you’re forming, and in whatever volume, the RevoPortioner will ensure you create convenience products of the highest quality. Its unique design and innovative technology achieve unrivaled consistency in uniform product shape and weight accuracy.

With twenty-five years of experience in the cooked poultry meat sector, Europa Cuisson continually develops and adapts its range of cooked poultry products. “We are a leading European producer in our sector, and to stay in that position, we want to cooperate with providers that offer top technology,” says Juan Mate, CEO of Europa Cuisson. “This is what the RevoPortioner provides. All products have the same size and weight. There is no waste, no smearing, and the quality of the raw material, like whole muscle breast fillet, is not compromised. The fibers and the structure are like they should be. The end result is a perfectly portioned, attractive product with a good bite and great taste.”

Low-pressure food forming system with Helix Drum technology

3. Product shapes limited only by imagination

To stay relevant and responsive to changing consumer demand, convenience food processors need to adapt their processing. Therefore, it is essential to have flexible operations that can produce a limited number of high volume products as well as a wide variety of low volume products. The RevoPortioner’s unique sintered stainless steel drum, with optional Helix technology, allows an endless variety of unique shapes to be created, with natural contours, textures and surfaces.

Mora supplies consumers with a wide variety of convenience snacks through both food service and retail outlets. Enrique Muñoz, Project Leader Product Development at Mora, commented on the introduction of the RevoPortioner, “We now have the flexibility to produce four different products on one machine. In addition, our operators are positive as well, because the RevoPortioner works smoothly and hygienically.”

OSI Create better quality convenience products with a Marel RevoPortioner 1000 in their food processing production line

4. Less waste, more yield

Throughout the food processing value chain, Marel promotes the most efficient use of resources to minimize environmental impact. Innovation is at the core of this strategy. The innovative technology and unique design behind the RevoPortioner contribute to a more sustainable production process, ensuring an incredibly low level of raw material leakage—less than 0.3%—while the high levels of consistency in product shape and weight significantly reduce rework. In addition, the system uses fewer cooling agents and less compressed air compared to similar solutions.

OSI Food Solutions Germany is well known for supplying one of the world’s largest QSRs. Juergen Wehner, Plant Manager, explains the advantages gained when replacing a two-machine set up with a high capacity RevoPortioner 1000, “Not only has the set-up been simplified, the energy consumption has also reduced significantly, contributing to more sustainable processing.”

Innovative food forming solutions are demonstrated at Marel demo centers assisting product development and collaboration with customers.

5. We’re in it together!

Every day, convenience food processors worldwide benefit from the innovative forming solutions Marel has been developing for more than 25 years. We work in partnership with customers to build a solution around the convenience products they want to produce. Our passion for new product development is shown in our commitment to collaborating with customers to ensure they are always at the forefront of changing consumer trends.

To convince his colleagues of the value of the RevoPortioner, Luc Hecker, Innovation and Process Development Manager Mora, made good use of Marel’s Demo Center in Boxmeer. “Demo Center events are a great opportunity to see the technologies the market has to offer and give great ideas for new product developments. That is why I attended every event with colleagues from different locations; to show them the added value of the technology and what it could bring us.” Cooperation with the Demo Center was very important after deciding on the RevoPortioner. Enrique Muñoz continues, “To finalize the concept, we worked together with the Demo Center food technologists. The team has great knowledge and experience and shows that Marel is a real partner for developing new products.”

Continually forming—continually performing

Responding quickly to changing consumer trends, and bringing the highest quality products to market in a cost-effective way, are challenges food processors constantly face. Now more than ever, it is crucial to be able to adapt and respond to changing consumer demand as well as ensure contracts are secured that will ensure future business growth.

Whether you are forming chicken, pork, beef, fish, plant-based protein, potato or pet food, the RevoPortioner will ensure you create end products of the highest quality and with the utmost consistency. From the smallest family-owned business to the largest processors who supply the worlds leading QSR chains, there's a RevoPortioner to match the required capacity.

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