Frying and cooking
Once the coating process is over, a Marel GoldFryer, also with a 1000 mm wide belt, stands ready to fry the products. It performs its task consistently, delivering uniform, high-quality fried products. The GoldFryer fixates the coating, giving convenience products an appealing, golden crispy finish and delightful taste, also extending their shelf life. Springsnow Food has also installed the ModularOven, Marel’s modular double-spiral steamer and oven. The unique modular design concept of this machine can truly separate Springsnow’s process into two independent cooking areas. For each area, the operators can set the required temperature and humidity independently, in line with the different product characteristics required by Springsnow’s customers. In this way, two independent steaming and cooking processes can be run simultaneously.
Long-term cooperation
The two extensive convenience food lines aim not only to deliver top-quality products with excellent taste, which fully meet customer requirements, but also to increase Springsnow’s product yield. The collaboration of Springsnow, a prominent player in the Chinese food industry, and Marel have brought results that extend beyond poultry processing. Both parties consider this project to be a cornerstone of their long-term strategic partnership, which will involve further collaboration in product innovation and market development endeavors.