A smooth transport from grower to processor

Good processing starts with perfect logistics from shed to shackle

ATLAS Truck White

Smooth-running logistics in the supply of broilers to the processing plant make a very significant contribution to animal well-being and the overall efficiency of a poultry processing plant. It’s in everybody’s interest that broilers arrive in the best possible condition at the processing plant.

Marel’s modular ATLAS system can be adapted to all desired levels of automation and production capacity. There are various cleaning and disinfection options to limit any risk of cross-contamination to an absolute minimum. Integrated weighing, product detection and dust extraction are available as options.

What can happen?

Once broilers in the farm reach slaughter weight, they will be caught, crated and loaded onto trucks for the journey to the processing plant. With ATLAS, the impact of loading, transport and handling of the birds inside the poultry processing plant is reduced to an absolute minimum, leading to significantly improved animal welfare and higher quality of the poultry meat.  

Farm Loading Truck ATLAS

Minimized loading risks

Although automatic catching machines have been on the market for a number of years, 95% of broilers are still caught manually around the world. To avoid damage to broilers, catching must be made as easy as possible. This also means paying close attention to the design of the modules into which birds, once caught, will be loaded.

Although plastic crates are still used, operators mostly prefer multi-tier containers or modules. These modules should be brought into the growing shed and placed as close as possible to where catching is actually happening; catchers should not have to walk any distance with birds. It is particularly important that the module design allows modules to be placed close to walls or corners, so that those last few birds can be caught and loaded. Extractable trays are therefore not preferred, they take up too much space. Modules should also allow birds to be loaded easily with minimal risk of damage. Loading openings should be big enough to allow birds to be loaded downwards onto their feet. Marel’s ATLAS transport modules open up to give a wide loading opening.

The truck journey

Loading a truck will typically take up to an hour. The journey to the processing plant should be as short as possible. Ideally, broilers should not be in their transport modules for more than a few hours. On the truck, measures will have to be taken to protect them from extremes of heat and cold and from inclement weather. Transport module design should allow for efficient ventilation, both when the truck is parked and when it is in motion. Particularly important is floor design, allowing birds to grip when the truck brakes, takes turns or drives a bumpy road.

Airflo Floor2

Floor design

Floor design should also take account of the manure which will inevitably accumulate during the journey. Broilers should not sit in their own manure and it should not be possible for this manure to fall on birds beneath. Marel’s ATLAS transport modules consist of trays equipped with tried and tested AirFlo floors. These unique floors have proved themselves over many years in all climate zones. They make use of the Venturi principle, which ensures a continuous flow of air to birds and therefore optimum ventilation during transport. Channels in each floor collect any droppings from the birds. Birds therefore sit dry and the risk of crosscontamination from droppings falling onto birds in the tray below is significantly reduced.

A perfect balance

Headroom is particularly important as birds tend to sit during the journey, potentially blocking off any ventilation provided by openings in the floor. They should be able to sit up straight comfortably with their heads up. ATLAS SmartStacks take great pride in offering the highest headroom in the industry.

ATLAS modules also provide an optimal growth/tare weight balance. If more birds can be transported in one trip, fewer trips will be needed. This saves fuel and is more sustainable, as the CO2 footprint per bird transported will be lower. Modules should also be easy to clean and disinfect, reducing the risk of disease transmission to a minimum.

It’s in everybody’s interest that broilers arrive in the best possible condition at the processing plant.


Marel is dedicated to supporting poultry processors in optimizing all aspects of live animal handling, even if no equipment is involved. This approach offers a complete program to minimize stress throughout the entire process, starting from catching, loading, and transportation until the broilers’ arrival at the plant. Processors can decide for themselves whether they want to invest in such a program, which may include practices like covering trailer sides with curtains or establishing a lairage. The suitability of a lairage option may vary by region. The goal is to replicate a farmhouse environment, providing the birds with a comfortable space that looks like their natural habitat, shielded from extreme temperatures, wind, or precipitation. A lairage area can be a temperature-controlled hall or an outdoor shelter, depending on the climate, ensuring the birds’ well-being throughout the process.

GP Lairage

It is recommended to allow broilers to rest upon their arrival at the processing plant, following unloading from the truck and before processing begins, for up to two hours in a specially designed lairage, so that their heart and breathing rates can return to normal.
Additionally, a blue-lit environment will cause the birds to fall asleep since they are unable to perceive blue light, which for them mimics nighttime conditions.
After such a period of rest, broilers have completed their journey from the growing shed and are in optimal condition to proceed to the processing line.

Smooth and stress-free

Marel’s live bird handling systems provide effective and humane conditions for loading and transporting birds from grower to processor. It is only right that we should concentrate on delivering a journey from growing shed to processing line, which is as smooth and stress-free as possible. The systems’ in-plant logistics meet and even go beyond the highest demands as far as line speed, hygiene and durability are concerned.


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