A large processor in North America had a very high interest in the Marel coating line with a special focus on the RevoBreader. Not to be daunted by the travel restrictions, the Marel team came together to host a live demonstration for this customer, streamed through Microsoft Teams.
Valuable resource
While the North American team has been hosting virtual events such as this for several years, the need during the pandemic increased and became an even more valuable resource for Marel to provide our customers. Being able to show our customers how the equipment works, live, helps them visualize the success it can bring to their operations.
At the same time, such demonstrations have become even more relevant than ever in reinforcing the personal relationship with customers.
The Innovation Center team in Des Moines, Iowa, along with product management and sales all began preparation for the live demonstration. Equipment was brought into the Innovation Center to be set up and tested. Real chicken product from the customer was brought in to make the live demonstration as realistic as possible. Cameras and computers were brought in to capture the different angles for the demonstration, lights were set up and the team was ready.