
Innova consultancy services

Strive for improvements

We work with you to help you reach your goals for yield, throughput, giveaway, waste, traceability, label reliability, inventories, delivery accuracy, and more.

  • Analyzes future business and financial impact
  • Examines current processes and suggests improvements
  • Provides better management tools with improved KPIs
  • Serves the customer's specific needs
  • Enables the identification and implementation of improvements


The consultancy services are designed to closely work on defined improvement tasks to continuously improve operations and/or overall business.

This value-added service utilizes the data collected from the process in question. It builds up the correct management and reporting tools to continue improving or maintaining the target performance level.

Each program spans several iterations based on the customer's improvement cycle and goals, which are focusing on: Yield, Throughput, Giveaway, Waste, Traceability, Label reliability, Delivery accuracy, etc.

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