
MAJA BXAplus Derinding Skinner

Excellent skinning results reduce post-processing

  • Maximizes skinning yield
  • High skinning quality–no post-processing
  • Reduces labor cost and increases productivity
  • Low cost of ownership



The MAJA BXAplus is designed for conveyorized derinding of all fresh pork cuts, e.g. belly, flank, back fat, neck fat, jowl, shoulder and ham cap, shoulder without bones (also with boneless knuckle), and ham without bones and without topside, etc.

Yield-oriented skinning by automatic cut control and optimum pressure

A mechanical process without the need for photo-electric barriers or compressed air technology ensures optimal positioning of the knife against the meat at the start of the skinning process. This ensures that the maximum amount of rind is removed, and nothing is left behind. Residual rind can be as little as 1%, depending on the type of product and cut, meaning that almost no additional processing is required. This helps to save labor and time and increases the product's quality. As residual rind must not be removed by hand knife, there is less damage to the surface of the product.

Quick and easy changeovers

The height of the pressure roller can be individually adjusted within seconds, so downtime between products is minimal. The machine’s suspension devices and spring unit can be further adjusted to achieve the best possible pressure settings for each individual type of meat cut.


  • Highest safety standards
  • Easy knife change with quick-locking device
  • No removal of the knife holder for cleaning
  • Fast and easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Meets EU regulation EN 12355
  • GS seal of approval for safety, tested by the German body BGN


BXAplus 434
BXAplus 554
BXAplus 754
Cutting width  434 mm (17”) 554 mm (22”) 754 mm (30”)
Width of machine
incl. adjustment handles
1006 mm (39.6”) 1126 mm (44.3”) 1326 mm (52.2”)
Depth of machine 
horizontal belt position
1912 mm (75.3”) 1912 mm (75.3”) 1912 mm (75.3”)
Height of machine
hood closed/opened
1313 / 1644 mm 
(51.7 / 64.7”)
1313 / 1644 mm 
(51.7 / 64.7”)
1313 / 1644 mm 
(51.7 / 64.7”)
Electrical connection 

1,1 kW
1.47 h.p.

1,1 kW
1.47 h.p.

1,5 kW
2.0 h.p.
Weight  350 kg (770 lbs) 375 kg (825 lbs) 400 kg (880 lbs)


BXAplus 434 Narrow cutting width 434 mm (17'') for processing of mainly smaller cuts
BXAplus 554 Standard version for all types of pork cuts, cutting width 554 mm (22'')
BXAplus 754  Extra large execution for bigger cuts, e.g. in hog processing, cutting width 754 mm (30'')
BXAplus SI For conveyorized automatic derinding of very high and also bone-in cuts, e.g. pork shoulder with neck; with safety inlet to protect the infeed area by means of photo-electric barriers and a special protective hood.


Safety hood: The infeed and discharge belt covers stay on the hood and can be locked when the hood is open. Thus no removal of hood parts from the machine, e.g. for cleaning or changeover of knife.
Special mincer cart
For the use of standard mincer carts for rind discharge
Separate lateral
rind discharge belt:
For customized machine configuration and individual line integration (only with special subframe)

Special execution
rind discharge:

With integrated rind discharge belt for automated rind discharge without manual emptying of rind boxes

Special execution
operation from the
right side:

The adjustment handles on the machine's side panel can be positioned for operation from the left (default) or right side (option).

C-shaped subframe:

Allowing a higher machine position above deboning lines

Air-filled pressure

For smooth and steady pressure on sensitive cuts

Holding device for
pressure roller

For convenient storage of the pressure roller during cleaning

Tooth roll gauge:

A convenient tool to secure your skinning yield by regular testing of the state of your tooth roll


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Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.



Title Description
Title Brochure MAJA BXAplus (English) Size (0.8MB) Document Download PDF
Title Brochüre MAJA BXAplus (Deutsch) Size (0.9MB) Document Download PDF
Title Tooth roll gauge brochure: Learn more about this convenient tool to secure your skinning yield by regular testing of the state of your tooth roll. Size (0.1MB) Document Download PDF

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