Remkes steps into the world of Further Processing


Recently, Dutch poultry processor Remkes decided to start producing poultry convenience food products. With this step, the company now covers the complete poultry processing value chain from slaughtering to packing processed products.

After finding a suitable production location in Barneveld, Remkes started the process of configuring the convenience food production plant according to their wishes and requirements. Managing director Marcel Dost comments, “We knew what we wanted for our new production location, now we had to find the right partners who could support us in the process.”

Technology partner

Choosing the equipment supplier was a significant step that had to be taken at an early stage. Marcel Dost explains why Remkes decided to partner up with Marel Further Processing, “We are constantly looking for ways to innovate our company, so we try to find suppliers who share this objective. At one of our meetings, Marel presented their new, innovative coating line. It was clear to us that this was based on extensive technological knowledge.
After this meeting, the decision to opt for Marel was an easy one. By choosing Marel we will not only benefit from the features of their equipment, but also from their experience and knowledge.”

Real-time data

Another important driver behind the decision was Marel’s Innova software. According to Jan Gerard de Graaf, sales director convenience at Remkes, this is of vital importance. “With this software we will be able to get real-time data from our equipment. In the past, we retrieved data from our systems only after a production run, sometimes even one or two days afterwards.

By choosing Marel we will not only benefit from the features of their equipment, but also from their experience and knowledge.

Marcel Dost
Diretor executivo Remkes

If we found an irregularity in one of the batches, there was a chance that the product had already been packed and delivered to a supermarket. By this time, the product could even be on the consumer’s plate. We knew that we had to innovate our process to be able to live up to the demands of our customers and the end consumer. We were surprised to see the sophistication of Innova: it gives us control of our production process and the ability to make immediate adjustments if needed. Thanks to this, we can guarantee that our products are always produced within specification and that quality and consistency are optimum.”

7 Gegrilde Kippendij Met Bot

Competitive market

The further processing line at Remkes consists of a complete newly developed 700mm coating line (Active Flour Applicator, Active Tempura Applicator, RevoCrumb, and RevoBreader), a GoldFryer and a highly efficient ModularOven. With this equipment, Remkes produces cooked, coated and marinated products, both boneless and bone-in. Because the production plant had to be renovated completely, the set-up of the equipment could be done from scratch. Marcel Dost continues, “Our location will have a minimal footprint and products will travel a short distance from raw incoming goods to packed finished goods. This means that our process will be highly efficient, a requirement for participation in today’s competitive market. And even more so to meet the demands of the future.”

About Remkes

Remkes Group was founded in 1928 by G.P. Remkes. Over the years, the family-run company expanded its activities from slaughtering to producing processed poultry products. With the new branch Remkes Convenience, the Company has expanded into convenience food products. “At our new production location we focus on the production of cooked, coated and marinated poultry products,” says Marcel Dost. Remkes Convenience produces 200 tons of processed products per week. These products find their way into the food service and retail sectors.

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