Mechanical coupling of defeathering and evisceration lines using the TR-DE NT’s transport mechanism is the best possible solution for working at higher speeds with little wear and little risk of broken legs. Track tension management using Marel’s Active Tension Control (ATC) technology controls the play of forces in the system. The downstream process also benefits from high line efficiency.
The TR-DE NT offers extra options such as an Innova PDS-controlled selective unloading system for birds condemned in the defeathering line by a quality-grading vision system.
Other options are possible with the TR-DE NT, such as the ability to cut ‘long legs,’ a double blade arrangement for cutting feet into two parts (shank and paw), and a by-pass allowing traditional products to be processed.
- Mechanical coupling of defeathering and evisceration lines
- No empty shackles in eviscerating line thanks to one-to-one transfer
- Single switch box for regulating the speed of both lines
- Integrated feet-cutting unit
- Optional Innova PDS-controlled selective unloading station