
Flaming Furnace Lightning

Burning of the remaining hairs from the hair removal process and reduction of the carcasses surface contamination

  • Labor reduction
  • Surface contamination reduction
  • In accordance with applicable safety requirements
  • Ensures excellent and homogeneous skin appearance


Developed for lines of up to 600 pigs per hour, the Flaming Furnace Lightning is powered by LPG gas and has burner nozzle columns with individual regulation. The flame generated by them covers the entire carcass of the animal, and the lower nozzles are only activated when the sensors detect larger carcasses, significantly reducing the gas consumption of the equipment. The burner nozzles are equipped with an automatic cleaning system that uses compressed air to keep them clean and running, thus preventing clogging and failure. 

The equipment has high efficiency ventilation and refrigeration systems, ensuring the extraction of the gases burned from the site and preventing the induction of heat to the environment. In addition, the efficient cooling system of the burner also performs the cooling of the air conveyor, increasing the useful life of both equipment. 


  • Powered with LPG gas
  • Burners with individual firing regulation
  • Equipped with air conveyor cooling jacket
  • Automatically activated burner nozzle columns
  • Compressed air flame cutting system to keep the nozzles clean
  • High efficiency safety system, ensuring good extraction of gases



Flaming Furnace Lightning 260 


Flaming Furnace Lightning 450 


Flaming Furnace Lightning 600 


Automatic Flaming Furnace Lightning - Sanitizer 


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