
Line Information and Uptime Services (LIUS)

Data analysis and storage of primary pig processing equipment performance

  • Storage, access and insight to production line performance
  • Availability of alarm logs, and technical and process reports
  • Identification of issues that require attention from production management and technical department


The Line Information and Uptime Services (LIUS) solution delivers exclusive insight for pork processors into the primary processing and cooling line’s current and historical performance status.

Ultimate data collection

LIUS brings together data from the sensors, systems and processes of primary processing equipment such as conveyors, stunner and scalding tank. LIUS is a web-portal and prolog alert application facilitating the storage of and access to reports and alarm logs.

Analyze to optimize

Historical data from different systems is stored in a protected database and presented in standardized management, process and technical reports. These historical reports provide insight to optimize your processes and are available for two years.

Email, text message or web delivery

Daily reports are delivered via email or in the web portal and event-driven messages generated by a process line alarm can be received by email or text message.


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