Stork TREC rehanger/Stork TRCS with weighing option

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This notification states the End of Full Service (EOFS) for the following Marel products: Stork TREC rehanger/Stork TRCS with weighing option.

This 'end of service announcement' applies to customers that operate a Stork TREC rehanger (Automatic Transfer from Evisceration to the Chilling Line) and/or a Stork TRCS (Automatic Transfer from Chilling to the Selection Line) with weighing option.

Our current supplier of the Baldor drives and motors, used in the assemblies 'Transport' and 'Speed compensator', no longer guarantees a reliable service backup. Soon these motors and drives will become obsolete.

In order to enable proper Marel Stork service support, you will have to modify the 'Transport' and 'Speed compensator' assemblies: motors and drives have to be replaced.

For this necessary modification, a modification kit is available from Marel. This kit includes:

For customers with a Baldor 20-tooth drive pulley:

  • Two new motors (with the drive pulley attached)
  • Four new cables (for power and control)
  • Electrical modification kit to adapt the existing control box

For customers with a Baldor 10-tooth drive pulley:

  • Two completely pre-assembled assemblies ('transport' and 'speed compensator'). These include new motors and the attached 20-tooth drive pulley
  • Four new cables (for power and control)
  • Electrical modification kit to adapt the existing control box

Changing over from a Baldor 10-tooth drive pulley to the 20-tooth version has clear mechanical benefits.

With the new drives and motors, we can secure proper lifecycle service support.

We strongly advise you to call your service contact at Marel to discover the best solution for you.

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