Galliance Ancenis ensures versatility

Modernized factory meets all current requirements

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In September 2022, Galliance Ancenis started processing at its new factory, capable of handling various types of chicken at up to 8,000 bph [133 bpm]. Different types of chicken are processed, requiring adjustments between each batch. Nicolas Eymeoud, Industrial Director of Galliance, emphasizes how Marel made the plant much more versatile in handling different chicken.

Picture copyright Alice Bertrand

Galliance Ancenis is dedicated to processing organic, Label Rouge, and “La Nouvelle Agriculture” chicken, a brand of the Terrena cooperative to which Galliance belongs. The end products include whole chicken and poultry cuts. They are marketed under well-known brands such as Nature de France, Fermiers d’Ancenis, La Nouvelle Agriculture (NA), as well as under private label brands.

Galliance Ancenis People
Dorig Le Floch (Galliance), Rob Noteboom (Marel) and Nicolas Eymeoud (Galliance) during the awarding of the stainless steel chicken.

A shift in consumer demand

Galliance Ancenis’ customers are primarily large and medium-sized retail stores (GMS) all over France, as well as the out-of-home consumption sector, including restaurants, cafeterias, delivery services, butchers, caterers, rotisseries, and bakeries. In France, 90% of chicken are cut into pieces.

Whole chicken are usually reserved for special occasions like weekends in family settings, while on weekdays chicken breast portions are preferred. Label Rouge products are mostly sold whole. More chicken are, however, being cut. Therefore, Galliance’s equipment needs to be flexible to meet these changing consumer demands.

High standards for animal well-being

Galliance Ancenis’ new site incorporates advanced technology to comply with current regulations, including animal welfare regulations. Nicolas Eymeoud explains, “The equipment and technology of our old facility, dating back to the 1970s, were no longer up to par. It was primarily designed to handle whole chicken, while consumption has moved towards more cuts. This was one of the reasons to build a new processing plant located 500 meters from the old one.”

We need a flexible and easily adjustable process to switch from one type to another.

Nicolas Eymeoud
Industrial Director of Galliance

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“Compared to our previous factory, there are significant improvements in processing. The new factory has entirely been designed to be in-line, boosting the overall performance of the site. From shackling to packaging, the products are touched just twice. In-line air chilling has reduced the overall process time from 24 to 6 hours, while ensuring consistent product quality. Previously, products were placed in carts after evisceration and then pushed into cooling cells to be retrieved the next day. Our process now also aims to improve working conditions and reduce the number of buffers.

Digitization and automation

After chilling, each chicken undergoes dynamic counting and weighing. The weight is then attached to its shackle and registered in the database. An IRIS system classifies the quality of each product. Depending on their weight and quality grade, products are sent to different packaging lines or automatic cutting lines. Unlike previously, when each product was visually graded and assessed manually, calibration and control are now automated.

Nicolas Eymeoud continues: “The Innova software provides us with data so that we can anticipate the weights and Gauss curves of products entering the chilling tunnel. This allows us, based on data of products starting the chill process, to allocate them to our orders.

The robotized fillet line allows for automatic packaging, resulting in a significant productivity gain. The fillets are weighed beforehand, and the RoboBatcher automatically picks the right fillets to achieve the exact target weight of the tray. Giveaway, in case of fixed-weight packing, has been dramatically reduced.”

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Working conditions

The last major improvement concerns working conditions. The building has been laid out to minimize handling and optimize flows for the safety of our employees. All workstations have been redesigned to reduce repetitive movements and be ergonomic. “Since COVID, finding personnel has become more difficult. In the agri-food sector in France, there are currently 90,000 vacant positions. Our new site attracts people because they see that working conditions have significantly improved.”

Addressing diversity

“Marel’s equipment allows us to process very diverse types of chicken. Together with technicians from Marel we had to adjust machines, finding different settings to handle all varieties.” Nicolas Eymeoud explains, “Since we change the type of chicken at least three times a day, we need a flexible and easily managed process to switch from one type to another. Adjustment is particularly necessary in the evisceration department. Once correctly set, the Nuova eviscerator delivers excellent results. The rest of the equipment adjusts itself automatically when we change programs. Marel’s systems are very versatile in our situation,” concludes Nicolas Eymeoud.

Galliance Factory

About Galliance Ancenis

Galliance Ancenis is a processing plant belonging to the Galliance Group, the second-largest poultry player in France with a turnover of €865 million and a focus on the French market. Galliance has 14 sites, employs 3200 employees (including 260 in Ancenis). 1000 breeders work for Galliance, including 500 for Ancenis. The factory in Ancenis, located near Nantes, supplies the customers set out above and accounts for 20% of Galliance’s volume.

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